Alan Watt - Redux 125 - "The Dilemma of Individualism in Stormy Seas" - Sept. 3, 2023

1 year ago

Conformity within Groups - Darin from South Africa, Conformity and Invisibility of the Individual - Global "Climate Change" - Al Gore's "Goring" - "The sky is falling" - Aerial Spraying and HAARP pulsation. The sphere of our lives and what reality is - projections of reality. Effects and Forces - Laws of Nature - Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Life in Middle Ages - Feudal system of kings, queens, aristocracy, learned class - Illiterate populace - World run by all-seeing deity. Protestant Revolution - Reaction against suppressive old system - Protestant "work ethic". Beginnings of trade guilds - Price and wage fixing - Monopolies - Ownership of resources. Goldsmith - Gold - Money lending. Views of life and death in ancient times - In Greece, Egypt - Judaism - Christianity. Fear of death in Western world - Money spent on funerals. Looting and plundering buccaneers - Capitalism - Piracy - Monopoly making. Fads, fashion, education, indoctrination - Conformity to a group and its standards - Maintaining Elite and System. Animalistic traits vs. self-expression - Suppression of emotion - Neurosis in society. Commercialization and exploitation - Expensive placebos for "happiness" - Psychological warfare in media and advertising. Strength and happiness within - KNOW THY SELF. (Song: "Whose Garden Was This" by Tom Paxton).

Original Audio, Topics - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Medieval Feudal Collective to Capitalist Monopolist. The Dilemma of Individualism in Stormy Seas." - July, 27, 2007

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Medieval Feudal Collective to Capitalist Monopolist. The Dilemma of Individualism in Stormy Seas." - July, 27, 2007

Stay out of ghettos, Jewish or otherwise! - by Not Sure

Al Gore on Extreme Heat and the Fight Against Fossil Fuels (Jul. 2023)

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