Bad Moon Rising, Agents for Democide

1 year ago

On February 24th 2020, Luke O'Neill & Claire Byrne commenced the major parts both would play in launching and perpetuating the all-consuming Pandemic story/lie in Ireland. They ran a short segment on Ireland's national broadcaster RTE, which was laden with symbolism, gaslighting, duper's delight, and ritual. And a very obvious ask for a very large payment.

This was prime viewing time and much of the country was tuned into the national broadcaster that night, eager to hear more about the apparently dangerous virus presenting in Wuhan China. This is a documentary about both Luke O'Neill & Claire Byrne, and the absolutely crucial part they played in gaslighting the Irish population into signing on to the intentionally harmful Covid 'vaccine' program.

No other media personalities in Ireland did more to push the idea of unnecessary, untested, experimental DNA warping vaccines as an escape from lockdown and the deliberate disorientation that was imposed on the public. This work speculates why they did it, and why they were so active. A key message from the film is to remember that even if you don't believe in the occult and the importance of symbolism, you will surely acknowledge that there are large groups of people out there who do believe in it, and they use these belief systems as their guide in life. It only matters that you accept the possibility that others believe in things that you yourself may not believe in.

We'll focus on their careers, how they managed to work their way into the positions they found themselves in, who helped them get there, and that particular night on RTE television in 2020, and the not-so-obvious symbolism that was on display. You will travel from that specific night in 2020, right through the months and years since then with stops along the way, as the Plandemic and vaccine scam came to fruition, up to June 2022 and a major waypoint coverup conference in June 2022, and then on to the present day.

There were just 631 more deaths in 2020 vs 2019, and the Irish Government and media had access to those numbers in early 2020. You can see that data on the Irish Government's CSO website
There was no dangerous pandemic to justify any of the Government actions both O'Neill and Byrne advocated for.

They also had access to Italian state data from March of 2020 that showed there was a bad flu virus circulating and nothing else. I wrote about that here in September 2020.

The Irish government (virtually all politicians bar a few, regardless of party) and media ignored all of this information willfully, to justify/push the vaccine program that is now killing and maiming tens of thousands here and millions more around the world. They all knew that there was no cause or need for a universally prescribed vaccine program. They have been lying since the night of the new moon, February 24th 2020, and they continue to lie to this day.

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