The #1 Thing People Get Wrong About Anarchism

1 year ago

Most people believe Anarchism means mayhem, lawlessness and destruction. This incorrect. One helpful way of understanding anarchism is by instead considering the term voluntaryism. The essential ideas of voluntaryism are natural rights, equality, non-coercion, and non-aggression.
[VIDEO] Statists Say the Darndest Things (Part 1), by Larken Rose —

Definition of Anarchism —

“In the mid-nineteenth century, the word anarchy—from the Greek word anarchos, or “having no ruler”—carried few of the connotations of violent lawlessness it would acquire by the 1890s.” —

History of the word Anarchy (n.) —
1530s, "absence of government," from French anarchie or directly from Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek anarkhia "lack of a leader, the state of people without a government" (in Athens, used of the Year of Thirty Tyrants, 404 B.C., when there was no archon), abstract noun from anarkhos "rulerless," from an- "without" (see an- (1)) + arkhos "leader" (see archon).
From 1660s as "confusion or absence of authority in general;" by 1849 in reference to the social theory advocating "order without power," with associations and co-operatives taking the place of direct government, as formulated in the 1830s by French political philosopher Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865).

Chris Curran:
— Founder of Podcast Engineering School,
— Fractal artist,


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