Greatest health invention yet to come

1 year ago

The greatest health invention yet to come will be a sub-dermal implant (or external device), based in nanotechnology, that monitors most blood factors and health indicators. Things like, heart rate, blood pressure, cortisol, cholesterol, hormones, or glucose for diabetics, which, is already in the testing phase. All of this data, collected over millions of users, would be continuously uploaded by one's phone or computer. An A I supercomputer would then collate and analyze the data for subtle causes and effects to illnesses and diseases, some of which, we didn't even know existed. Then report back to the user's phone or computer on what to eat or activities to do to optimize their health, for the best quality and quantity of life, or at least, what not to eat or do to avoid diseases, for dummies.
Upon studying many of Dr. Berg's videos on youtube, and beginning to see how profoundly complex the human bio-machine is, I realized that most diseases can be reduced to imbalances in nutrition, or poor lifelong diet and habits, but how can anyone keep track of all of those little things? There thousands of factors that can add up synergistically to have amazing or terrible consequences to one's health. For example vitamin D and melatonin are powerful hormones derived partly from sunshine, which most people are deficient in, especially the darker one's skin, and yet just these 2 things can have a tremendous impact on our lives, beyond quantification. A lack of these hormones can lead to a loss of sleep, among other things, which in turn leads to a weakened immune system, which could, over time, increase the chances of developing an illnesess, or even cancer. Wouldn't it be great to have a device that kept track of all those little things, rather than have to learn to keep track of them ourselves, the hard way?
This technology, which seems like science fiction, is actually being done on a basic and limited scale with current technology through blood donations. But the potential of donating and analyzing plasma has yet to be fully realized. Plus, most vampires prefer to feed in this more humane way. So, instead of just getting paid for plasma, one might also receive extensive and critical health information. If we can improve the quality and quantity of human life, then as a consequence, society and the world should also be improved as a bonus. On the other hand, this same technology could be used nefariously, although I cannot see how, given my moral restrictions.
So, questions, could our current social structure or governments use this technology wisely?
Will people willingly be chipped?
And once our species starts to merge with machines and AI is there any going back?
Who knows? Feel free to leave a comment, like, and subscribe.

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