Daymare 1994:Sandcastle part 1 stream...! (Second half)

1 year ago

Join us for the continuation of Daymare 1994: Sandcastle, the new survival horror game! In this stream (following a stream crash), we rejoin Dalila in the bizarre facility beneath the Groom Lake base, finding some bizarre tech being researched and charred corpses! Adding to that, some of the corpses are reanimated by a strange electrical anomaly and react violently to her presence...! While searching for Radek and their commander, Dalila becomes more and more concerned by the presence of data about a stealth warship, the ship itself unfinished in drydock and multiple stealth aircraft...! Just what is going on down here...?
#daymare1994sandcastle #survivalhorror #mp5 #spas12 #weaponry #prototypes #laboratory #facility #research #military #area51 #unknown #monsters #electricity #thirdperson #gameplay #commentary #brothers #humor #stream

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