Why does God let bad things happen?

1 year ago

Why does God let bad things happen? 🤔 Life's most profound questions often lead us to seek understanding, strength, and empathy. While we may not have all the answers, we can find solace in the journey of faith, growth, and the support of our communities. 🙏💪 #SeekingAnswers #FaithJourney #FindingPurpose #StrengthThroughStruggles #TrustTheProcess #QuestioningFaith #DivinePlan #EmbracingChallenges #LifeMysteries #SoulSearching #CopingWithStruggles #SpiritualGrowth #SeekingPeace #GodsPlan #BelieveInMiracles #RisingAboveAdversity #FaithInHardTimes #UnderstandingGodsWays #HopeInDarkTimes #FaithfulHeart #FindingMeaning 💫

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