Genius dog learns how to open gate

7 years ago

Our pets are way more intelligent than the credit that we give them. Just take this smart dog for example. How do these dogs keep ending up in the living room when their owner comes home at the end of the day? When trapped behind the gate, this dog has tried everything to get around this obstacle. Finally the dog has found the way out, and uses it to their advantage. Nothing can hold back this adorable doggo, not even the gate. Sometimes you just need to let your dog live and make sure that they don't do anything stupid. Mastering the lock is the product of several hours behind that gate! What a smart doggo!

Now if you have this problem and want to have a more secure gate for your dog, be sure to check out this list of great and dog proof gates. You can be sure that these will do their job and your dog will remain behind the gate for whenever you are at work, have company over, or any other reason to do so. Be sure to pick up one of these awesome gates.

Have you ever caught your pets doing anything of this nature? Let us know in the comment section! Be sure to visit for more awesome animal videos, and feel free to upload any videos that you might have of your pets as well.

Check out this smart dog!

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