ALL Diseases Caused by Parasites, Prions, Funguses & Poisons? - Kim Paddock

1 year ago

Source: Kim Paddock

If I am correct about parasites, prions, funguses, and actual poisons being the basis for nearly every disease, then we can diagnose ourselves effectively from this small category of causes and heal ourselves with natural antiparasitics, antifungals and CBD from whole hemp bud. None of my products are allowed to be sold on Ebay, Amazon, Etsy or any other big platform. The Satanic mafia doesn't want CBD to destroy their genocide by killing the most deadly parasites whose eggs are found in the "vaccine" bioweapon. EVERYBODY is at risk because these parasites are very contagious, and the unvaxed are getting sick from the vaxed.
CBD also unfolds the deadly PRIONS that cause enormous damage to the body and brain. These prions are misfolded proteins that are also in the "vaccine" bioweapon. They call them "spike proteins".
For more information about the "vaccine" bioweapon, see:
To support my work and keep yourself healthy during this critical time, see:
To see "Parasites, Proteins, Prions..Gain-of-Function Creates Deadly Diseases" see:
To see "REAL Organic Poisons in the Vax?" see:

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