Aztec Burial Site, Alien Research Group, Abduction Diaries - Sandy Nichols, TSP #790

1 year ago

Sandy Nichols is the founder of Alien Research Group (ARG) in Thompson's Station, TN. He started ARG in 1998 to try and find answers to his abduction experiences that began when he was 5 years of age, and to help others in finding their answers. Through the years, Sandy has expanded his research and investigations into various other areas based on other types of experiences he has had that includes ghosts, Bigfoot, Native American spirit beings, and OBEs to a parallel Earth.

For the last three years, he has been doing intensive DNA research based on results from seven different DNA tests he has taken. Three of the DNA tests indicate that he has three specific, mutated genes. For three years, Sandy, has also been engaged in excavating an unknown "Indian Ceremonial" site that was buried four feet deep on his property, with evidence found that this site is Aztec Indian in origin. He has been featured in a variety of media formats, including a Steven Spielberg special, "Abduction Diaries," which aired on the Syfy Channel.


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