HOW the EVIL US Govt is "READING and PROGRAMMING ALL Human Brains" with Neuroweapons and AI

1 year ago

Matrix Movie is REAL. As a Targeted Individual (Mind Control Victim), I EXPOSE how EVIL Shadow US Govt which "completely reverse engineered" human brain in the 1980s with "Super/Quantum Computer AI", has been STEALTHILY LINKING ALL HUMAN BRAINS to NSA HIVE AI (Global Matrix) GRID ever since and implementing a HORRIFYING DYSTOPIAN TYRANNY.

WHAT IF I TELL YOU that US Govt is using "Neuroweapons developed with $21 Trillion black budgets to READ and PROGRAM your brain" WITHOUT your knowledge and consent?

IF YOU THINK it is FICTION, then PATIENTLY WATCH the VIDEO in its entirety.

Hundreds of millions of American and global human BRAINS are ALREADY CONNECTED to NSA HIVE AI Grid and being REMOTELY OPERATED like Puppets with Super/Quantum Computer AI by the EVIL US Govt and ruthless psychopathic Oligarchic Elites of WEF, Klaus Schwab, Rockellers, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Soros, Gates, Larry Fink, CFR, Trilateral Commission etc which form a "deep state".


This is NOT fiction but a PURE FACT hidden from the entire nation of america and the world by the EVIL US govt with "covertly controlled MSM".

My knowledge of these Neuroweapons, Supercomputer AI and "Weaponized EVIL AI Dust" is a MILLION TIMES more than Potus and Congress clown puppets, and also Snowden and Assange.

ALL my knowledge is acquired with my own RESEARCH, ORDEAL, INTELLECT and ESP/THIRD EYE Perception Abilities.

IF I DON'T get an opportunity from the MEDIA to EXPOSE these "MONSTROUS ATROCITIES and INDUSTRIAL SCALE DECEPTION" being PERPETRATED on human species by the EVIL Shadow US Govt, it will be TOO LATE for human species to PROTECT themselves from being NEURALLY ENSLAVED and TORTURED with Supercomputer AI.

Please DOWNLOAD the video immediately.

TIME IS REALLY RUNNING out for human species to REMAIN HUMAN, because the "infinitely cunning EVIL Shadow US Govt" is LINKING hundreds of thousands of humans every passing day to the "GLOBAL HIVE AI MATRIX GRID" they constructed more than 30 years ago.

Any media personnel with cojones to do an EXPOSE, please contact me immediately.

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