PERSONAL GROWTH MEDITATION | Positive Subliminal Affirmations | MOTIVATION | THETA #personalgrowth

1 year ago

Do you want to MEDITATE deeply and GROW as a person? Due to the hectic pace of life; we tend to be stressed and anxious and a little lacking in the confidence to look after our HEALTH. We also become a little negative in thought. This impedes our ability to MATURE
This next video is designed to put you into a comfortable place where you feel MORE RELAXED. It uses THETA Tones and is coupled with subliminal affirmations to lead you to RELAX and moving towards improving your ability to become more MOTIVATED and do what you need to do.

This relaxing music should take you to that place where you can start to recharge your brain with positive believe in your ability to SURPASS any barrier.

For those of you who wish to MEDITATE: * Sit with straight back and close your eyes. * Put one hand inside the other on your lap with thumbs touching. * Concentrate on the tip of your nose. * Breath in calmly. Breathe out calmly. * Feel that energy is coming into your body bringing the knowledge you want. *Concentrate on your breathing and perhaps the area of your third eye. *Enjoy! Use this session in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down.
Note that this session uses binaural beats with deep relaxation music
Use this session in a quiet, comfortable place, free of distraction, in a chair or lying down. After starting the session, close your eyes and relax. Headphones are required. During the session you should remain as calm and relaxed as possible.
Remember: This is not a replacement for medical treatment. • If you suffer from epilepsy • Or are taking medicine or drugs, then seek advice from your medical practitioner prior to using. • If you are a pregnant woman ("But the reason we don't outrightly recommend binaural beats to pregnant women is because this natural science is yet to be evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other regulated governing body. So in short, we need to protect ourselves against getting sued by any pregnant woman who might claim that an unrelated pregnancy problem was related to listening to our binaural beats. It's as simple as making sure we stay on the right side of the law) • Or you have a pacemaker (electrical interference) • Or are under 16 (brains still developing...may have a seizure) • Or are prone to seizures please do not play this soundtrack.
Please note: The video is compiled solely by me using technology from Mindzoom and the following music:
Music: Soothing MusicRelaxingTime from Pixabay
Image from

PicElysium from Pixabay

Affirmations for PERSONAL GROWTH:
I have an excellent character
I can feel I am improving
I am mature
I know my needs
I am happy
I am happier everyday
I am motivated
I do what I need to do
My goals are reachable
I enjoy to work towards my goals
I do my work with passion
I know how to prioritize
I can surpass any barrier


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