The Market in Statism? | A Premium on Who can Satisfy the Masses

1 year ago

#economics #statism #market

The market doesn’t exist in statism. It’s nothing more than a pseudo-market. The statists will claim its better, they may use a different term. Whose point of view? It puts the leaders in a better position than they were before. The masses are worse off. They may talk about eliminating one thing or another. That is to be replaced by the overlord’s ideas. The market needs all pieces to operate. Eliminating one thing will destroy the market.

The entrepreneur is eliminated. He is guided by the consumers. Rather than the consumers issuing orders by their buying and abstention from buying, the overlord issues orders that the manager must follow. The overlords have a utopia in mind. It’s an unrestricted centralization of decision making. Rather than entrepreneurs satisfying the customers, or trying to, the overlords can only fail in this endeavor.

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