3-Hours Epic Music Mix | The Best of Audiomachine

1 year ago

♫ Tracks List ♫
0:00:00 Age of Dragons
0:02:33 Ice of Phoenix
0:05:56 Lady of the Lake
0:07:33 Young Blood
0:11:32 Shadowfall
0:13:50 Apollo's Triumph
0:16:09 Breath And Life
0:17:53 Mission To The Unknown
0:20:42 Guardians At The Gate
0:22:44 Epica
0:27:14 Prelude of Dreams
0:30:18 Blood and Stone
0:33:25 The Last One
0:35:58 Quantum
0:38:17 Equinox
0:40:37 Motoneuron
0:43:25 Akkadian Empire
0:44:41 The Truth
0:47:56 Above and Beyond
0:50:35 Helios
0:52:41 The Last Ember
0:56:12 An Unfinished Life
0:58:06 Illuminati Choir
1:01:07 Lady in the water
1:02:20 Transcendence
1:05:43 Tree of Life
1:07:34 I Create
1:09:24 Sol Invictus
1:12:14 Destiny Awaits
1:13:57 Turning Point
1:16:34 The New Earth
1:19:31 City of Hope
1:20:56 Lost Generation
1:22:55 Millennium
1:25:26 Life Chronicles
1:27:40 Legions Of Doom
1:29:57 Ashes to Ashes
1:31:21 Momentum
1:33:50 Lords of Lankhmar
1:37:11 Triumph
1:39:17 Phoenix Rising
1:41:50 How The World Sees You
1:44:22 Continuum
1:46:42 Godspeed
1:49:18 Tribes
1:52:33 New Beginning
1:55:40 Enoch
1:57:36 God of the Drow
1:59:25 Destination Earth
2:01:43 Road To Glory
2:03:29 Rebirth
2:05:40 Black Cauldron
2:09:00 Those Without Fear
2:11:26 Sirens of Hyperion
2:14:10 House of Cards
2:16:45 Amethyst
2:19:43 Journey Through the Portal
2:22:06 Lachrimae
2:23:51 Hallowed Dawn
2:25:43 100 Years War
2:29:19 Across the Horizon
2:31:37 The Final Hour
2:33:36 Army Of Kings
2:36:02 Prometheus
2:39:28 Beyond Freedom
2:41:08 Warlords
2:44:11 Eye of the Storm
2:46:14 The Future Is Upon Us
2:48:49 Restitution
2:50:03 Discovery Of Power
2:52:26 Gone Forever
2:54:27 Pillars Of Earth
2:57:01 Nordica
2:58:47 The First Time

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