1 year ago

This message from 2016 is all I need to respond to the latest people on my chemtrail videos trying to deny them. Part of the $52 million dollars a day NASA steal from you in tax money is used for their subcontractors to spray the skies. These programs are multi-faceted and they accomplish multiple things all at once.

We can all eat organic foods and drink purified water, but we're still doing that under skies that are not organic. Where do you think all the aluminum and barium go? It precipitates down into the ground your organic food is grown in, it gets into the water supply. This is called SOFT-KILL, because the effects are not meant to felt instantly. It's meant do do damage over time. The metal particulates are used in conjunction with HAARP for weather modification and they are also very useful for any type of holographic technologies. So if they want you to see UFO's flying around over your areas, you can be made to see them. At the same time, this is used to block out the sun, people are being brainwashed about climate change, so many people actually support this garbage. Blocking out the sun taxes your immune system by blocking natural vitamin D-3 absorption.

The elite know that while they are using these chemtrails for various purposes, the long term effects will slowly kill the sheep and that's a win win for them. People are asking.. "ohh.. if this is true how do they protect themselves and their families?" It's called being in the know and knowing exactly what's being sprayed. We only know about the aluminum and barium, there could be other nano particulates in the concoctions and they can be spraying different things in different areas. The trails you see over your immediate areas don't effect you directly, it's the trails that are being sprayed away from your immediate area that effect you! So the elite and the goons that sign on to do this know what they are spraying, just like an exterminator knows the concoction of bug spray he's spraying right? So those in the know, simply detox of the metals by maintaining proper nutrient uptake, zinc ..minerals etc. This helps the body detox heavy metals, clay baths etc.

These people eat clean as possible, they consume vitamin and mineral concoctions daily. They most definitely don't take any of the jabs the sheep take and if they do take some type of jab it's a CLEAN one, get it? On top of all of that the elite of the elite don't have to live here on these known land masses! They can easily be living beyond Antarctica on unknown, uncharted land masses! This is another reason why they keep YOU out of Antarctica. It's time to wake up people, you're being lied to about where you live. Just hand waive dismissing everything and pretending it's not happening is not going to stop it. We the people have to get up and demand access to all restricted areas of earth. These globe priests running around thinking they're debunking flat earth are not going to save you, they are dragging you down to your destruction because MISERY LOVES COMPANY. People like myself are pointing the way to freedom.. out of your pen that the rancher has got you going around in circles in! GET IT?

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