Alzheimer's Narcissist: Dementias of Absence

1 year ago

Decline in cognitive functioning owing to stress and anxiety.

Dementias are like mortification because they involve public shaming in front of significant others.

Concealment strategies including confabulations that resemble gaslighting.

Narcissist’s grandiosity challenged, especially omniscience and perfection.

Withdrawal and avoidance unsustainable strategies.

Depression and grief.

Loss of independence challenges omnipotence, exposes vulnerability.
Frustration breeds aggression, agitation, impatience, alloplastic defenses (blaming others).

Paranoid ideation and rage.

Defiance and contumaciousness (refusing medical treatment).
Role of secondary supply (recounting past glories), selective memory (island of stability preferred).

Suicidal ideation.


Deví Bastida J, Genescà Pujol J, Valle Vives S, Jofre Font S, Fetscher Eickhoff A, Arroyo Cardona E. Disorder of the personality: a possible factor of risk for the dementia. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2019 Mar;47(2):61-9. Epub 2019 Mar 1. PMID: 31017274.

Poletti M, Bonuccelli U. From narcissistic personality disorder to frontotemporal dementia: a case report. Behav Neurol. 2011;24(2):173-6. doi: 10.3233/BEN-2011-0326. PMID: 21606578; PMCID: PMC5377953.

Austin J Clin Neurol 2015;2(7): 1057.
Narcissism Vulnerability as Risk Factor for Alzheimer´s Disease- A Prospective Study By Daniel Serrani, Department of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, National University of Rosario, Berutti 250 bis, Rosario, Santa Fe (S2000QBE), Argentina

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