Going 193 mph

1 year ago

iDash DataMonster is available for all street and race cars. https://bnks.pw/idash

iDash DataMonster

🏁 The smallest, most advanced OBD monitor of its kind
🏁 Controls Derringer, PedalMonster and other Banks devices
🏁 Displays 2-8 gauge per page across 5 customizable pages
🏁 Displays hundreds of parameters, many patented!
🏁 Datalogs up to 100 parameters for hundreds of hours
🏁 View data on the iDash or transfer to a computer for analysis
🏁 Completely customizable, colors, layouts
🏁 Works with all 2008+ cars and trucks ____________________________

Check out all our products at | https://www.bankspower.com

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