you can't shame cat people, you fool (we already know)

1 year ago

kitty socks!
my cat came over when she heard me meow at my sock
paisley has no part in this whatsoever
she is very affectionate tho
domesticated animals want food and they know how to get it since they are instinct-driven
i go outta my way to avoid things that i don't deem absolutely necessary
i can very easily weed unhealthy things outta my life
mental health matters, that's why i flip *phone
remember w/ God all things are possible
i had faith that i was right about technology
they fight me on a regular basis
SPOILER: i didn't eat it on stage, i have way too many ideas
yep, i still have that drawing on my hand
when society is controlled by a popularity contest...
this will not make for a good society
the same people back in the day told women to do the opposite of what they tell them to do now
i don't have much faith in society either haha
society has faith in pharmies, politicians, and technology
i'm still human so...
women are obsessed w/ their appearance regardless of their weight
eating disorder vs. wishing you had an eating disorder
women can freely self-destruct in america
nobody's stopping a bitch from taking a walk
there's my dreamboat: a technician w/ a beard
there are multiple people around me right now that's why i am being quiet
i was driving fiona (former red chevy aveo, RIP) around for like 6mos w/out AC
driving around w/ the windows down in as few clothes as possible...CLASSIC ag
they will never get their priorities in order, oh well

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