These are the Days of Elijah

1 year ago

~ Supplemental Material ~

"Omg! I am not into rap (52 yr old woman) but this gave me goosebumps! I am feeling Hopeful! Thank You!"

- OceanLife772

This song, Free Trump by Loza Alexander was released August 28, 2023. He holds to traditional American values and is a Christian as well. Currently, he is only known in the small niche market place of political conservatives, that like rap music.

Loza also has cancer and needs prayers. Those interested in seeing more of his work or simply sharing words of encouragement, can do so at his website.

Those who are willing to help him with his financial struggles and want to contribute whatever amount, the link below provides the necessary information to assist.

Considering the times we live in; where those that are part of the Woke movement or hold to similar values; it's important to support artists like Loza. Those that are trying to change America, from its traditional values to a godless one, do so as a result of their money.

Activities that were once done behind closed doors, are all out in the open. People continually enabling these industries by their indulgence with what they are selling. Which is why it's important to take your business and give it to those who respect freedom of speech and religious liberty.

When it comes to purchasing music, the company below is the best place to go. This is both musicians wanting to sell music or just wanting to purchase songs.

Those who are musicians might find the resources listed next, helpful:

The next resource below, has lots of uses; especially those seeking stardom. It might seem as though it's a Christian platform; with the objective of encouraging and trying to help, if possible; someone's request. To be clear, it is NOT.

You will find Christians there but there's also a whole slew of various people, with all sorts of needs, dreams and desires. This is a great way to develop a following and also gain support but don't forget that despite the intentions of the platform, there will be predators looking to take advantage of people.

As mentioned earlier, it's important to support artists and also the corporations that support traditional values, not undermine them. The next round of list, helps to do just that. They are links to various styles of musical entertainment. Some are Christian, others generic.

It should be noted, the last item listed; the content creator of that channel provides more than music, he also produces comedy and social commentary videos as well. Those looking for more musical options, check out Rumble's music channels. Somewhere in that link below, you'll find something that fits your tastes.

Those that enjoy Loza's music, similar videos are linked below:

Anyone that gets blessed from this channel and would like to be a blessing; the best way to do so, is by praying. Receiving any prayers lifted up for this channel, is without question; the best gift one can receive.

With the administration that champions the Woke movement; I'm not going to give out my name but you can always ask that God would bless "the person who operates the channel, Blue Enigma zero-one." God will know who you're talking about.

Thank you for your consideration!

Post Scriptum: In the "Supplemental Material" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good to check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people sometimes won't find the part that's recommended.

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