Soul Plan Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Soul Plan Energy Vlog title is from the Starseed Oracel card Remember that we pulled today. The date is August 2, 2023 thus we have #18 the Moon card full of illusions and intuitions The Moon is in fiery Ares starting out with a T Square f the Sun in Virgo.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site showed us two amplitudes. the fires t is a power of 25 at Eleven AM UTC, thus we have Justice Swiftly arriving for Donald J Trump so that it does not interfere with his campaign. The last amplitude power was 22 at 11:35 Am UTC, thus we have the Wheel of Fortune rolling in on the Fool to bring him swift justice. The quality was at a power of 13.40 thus we have #8 the strength card telling us to tame our beast that we may b e strong and brave. The frequency average was 7.75 hertz, thus we have #19 The Sun. Taking all of the numbers together we have The Ares Moon Swiftly coming upon the lin to tame as she T squares the Sun.

Space Weather news site showed us another CME that is shooting off waauy from us this tiem. However, The KP index does show us Geomagnetic activity into the yellow zone upto a level of five The density was up to ten protons and the temperature was 250,000 kelvin adn the wind speed up to 530 (KPS) .

There were two starseed cards today the first was REmember, your solul plan The second card was Deep Cellular Healing Arcturian energies.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather news Site:

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