Dr. James Thorp Calls Out Mass Murdering Medical Cartel - 12/23/21

1 year ago

(Dec 23, 2021) Despite an OB/GYN gag order, Dr. James A. Thorp joins Laura-Lynn Thompson to speak out about the staggering number of COVID “vaccine” injuries and deaths of pregnant women and their babies. Dr. Thorp has over 42 years experience in Obstetrics and is a Board Certified Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist. Dr. Thorp is keeping records and requests anyone who has had any complications with the COVID shot and their pregnancy or with their child should email him with the information at: jathorp@bellsouth.net

Full Laura-Lynn Thompson show: https://odysee.com/@LauraLynnTT:9/OBGYNWhistleblowerDrJamesThorp:0

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