Barrack Obama’s 16 Year Plan to Destroy America summed up in 50 seconds

1 year ago

Obama: "Understand, it's not necessary for people to believe this information in order to weaken Democratic Institutions. You just have to flood a Countries Public Square with enough Raw Sewage. You just have to raise enough questions, spread enough dirt, plant enough conspiracy theorizing, that citizens no longer know what to believe. Once they lose trust in their leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each other, in the possibility of truth, the games won."

Remember, this is coming from the guy who legalized the use of Media Deception and Propaganda in America.

They want to create Mass Confusion so people don't know what is true. The Q posts, the thousands of telegram channels which are obvious deep state false narratives and portrayed as factual. All the Trump is the people's savior bullshit, just might be the final nail. Once mass confusion the probability of the masses uniting and realizing that WE are the Saviors is nil.

There will be no political savior.

We are the ones who have the real power but by putting and spreading false narratives everywhere and even censoring their own false narratives is all part of the plan of the grand architect.

Once you understand their belief system you understand that they have to throw truth bombs just to stay balanced. Staying balanced is the key.

Some of the world's greatest philanthropists are the world's most evil people. They believe if they remain balanced between light and dark, between good and evil that they will be blessed by their Gods.

This is why they have two political arms. The arms belong to the Beast. While you are looking at how one arm could save humanity, the other arm is wiping us out and then when one party wins too much, that hand that was wiping us out, suddenly turns into the Nurturing hand and the other hand has a role reversal. It's all about keeping the masses divided in two halves.

Now as we are entering the Great Reset they want us even more divided to insure that it goes flawlessly. Thus, we are being bombarded with information that is being strategically released, probably half true and half false as it follows their beliefs in staying Universally Balanced.

This bombardment of information causes confusion. Confusion is caused by either not enough information or too much information.

They used to give drips of data to keep us divided and confused and they are flooding us with info. The Yin, Yang approach. The continuous cycle of reversing roles.

It's now distraction after distraction with all the Trump crap. You don't believe Trump is an insider? LOL, Okay.

Nothing is as it seems.

There is a Storm on the way. Trump did inform us that a storm is coming.

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