The importance of knowledge: prathame n​ā​rjitā vidyā dvit​ī​ye n​ā​rjitaṃ dhanam (Sanskrit Shloka)

1 year ago

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प्रथमे नार्जिता विद्या द्वितीये नार्जितं धनम् ।
तृतीये नार्जितं पुण्यं चतुर्थे किं करिष्यसि ॥

prathame nārjitā vidyā dvitīye nārjitaṃ dhanam ।
tṛtīye nārjitaṃ puṇyaṃ caturthe kiṃ kariṣyasi ॥

English Translation:
What can you do in the fourth part of your life, when you have not gained knowledge in the first, money in the second, and merit in the third?​

A Sanskrit verse, repeated 108 times, that conveys a moral lesson about the importance of acquiring knowledge, wealth, and virtue in life. Let's break down the meaning of each part:

Prathame nārjitā vidyā: "Prathame" means in the first place or at first. "Nārjitā" means not acquired or earned. "Vidyā" refers to knowledge or education.

Dvitīye nārjitaṃ dhanam: "Dvitīye" means in the second place or next. "Nārjitaṃ" means not obtained or earned. "Dhanam" signifies wealth or material possessions.

Tṛtīye nārjitaṃ puṇyaṃ: "Tṛtīye" means in the third place. "Nārjitaṃ" indicates not earned or accumulated. "Puṇyaṃ" refers to virtue, goodness, or merits.

Caturthe kiṃ kariṣyasi: "Caturthe" means in the fourth place or at last. "Kiṃ kariṣyasi" translates to "what will you do?"

In essence, the mantra can be interpreted as:

"In the first place, knowledge is not earned. In the second place, wealth is not obtained. In the third place, virtue is not accumulated. At last, what will you do?"

The mantra conveys a valuable life lesson about the priorities in life. It emphasizes the importance of acquiring knowledge, wealth, and virtue in that specific order. The message is that knowledge, education, and learning should be the primary focus in life. Only after gaining knowledge should one pursue wealth or material possessions. Furthermore, even after acquiring knowledge and wealth, it is essential to cultivate virtue, goodness, and merits for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

The mantra serves as a reminder that wisdom and knowledge are the foundation for success and fulfillment, and material wealth should be sought after only with a foundation of education and ethical values. The ultimate goal is to cultivate virtues and lead a righteous life.

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