Dr Shiva Ayyadurai's Disruption and Rocking the Boat Strategy: Dissecting The Swarm

1 year ago

Needless to say I am an anarchist. Shiva Ayyadurai is a statist at his heart.
Ergo, Folks, if you have been around “TheTaoOfAnarchy” at least since the beginning of this covid-criminal operation you wouldn’t need any of my clarification at all.
-That’s said. Apart from many things that I disagree with Shiva, I have to credit him for his courage and true intelligence, although he, like many intellectuals such as Paul Craig Roberts et all, who should have known better, but did fall for this Kosher Nostra orange clown. Shiva woke up. PCR and many MAGA still remain useful idiots to this very moment despite everything!
-Many and I really mean many have known who and what this orange clown truly is even before he was catapulted into the limelight. You don’t even need Whitney Webb or any “later” journalists tell you about this Jewish orange clown in tweet, if you know who Roy Cohn was.
I digress and let you do your own research with due diligence! Just don’t become useful idiot like Paul Craig Roberts and the like!

I remember, the name “Shiva Ayyadurai” first came to my attention when I watched him the first time on RT at the very beginning of this Covid criminal operation. As Shiva tried to push back the fear porn “pandemic” narrative of the RT, but the Talmudic shill idiot Rich Sanchez cut Shiva off! Later I found out that Shiva IS truly THE INVENTOR OF EMAIL! (Apart from “politics” I am also a computer guy too :-)) The Talmudic Yahweh chosen rats have tried hard to “erase” him, like they did to Nicolas Tesla before him.

-I do have a deep respect and admire for Shiva in this regard. I disagree with his “core politics” but respect his disruption and rocking the boat strategy, so to speak, by “running for the Jewish-of-A presidency.” Shiva himself, You, and I know that Shiva has no chance. But this is not “the point.” As far as I am concerned, Shiva’s project is NOT the presidency, but using opportunity to hit hard on the head of the hypnotized Americans and the “governed” around the world by exposing every dirty trick of the power that should not be! That’s enough for me to like and respect the guy!

I love and respect the way Shiva calling a spade a spade without mincing word at all!
I love the way he swears and curses, He reminds me of George Carlin in a way!
You see folks, we the common people never create and invent something for nothing! Swearing and cursing words are fundamental powerful weapons for standing up to power and defying the bullshit and bully!

I find his argument on the “natural born” and the 14th Amendment is very strong, very intelligent, and valid in both natural laws and constitutional basis. It exposes the myth of “ citizenship rights and equal protection under the law” in the USA!

However, It’s regrettable that he didn’t call out the Talmudic Yahweh rats in the room. Sometimes he did allude them though.
Shiva still believes that the Statist system is repairable, even improvable!
You know what anarchism stands for don’t you? Whether you agree with or not is irrelevant. Just understand the thing as it is.

In his “system analysis”, Shiva roughly categorize the masses into three “camps”: The movers 20% , 30% the natural useful ineducable idiots, and the rest 50% is running either way! He is very optimistic!

I too categorize the masses into three groups. The principal movers 0.001%, The dormant warriors 5%, who will be fearless fighters with determination once woke up! All the rest are just fearful followers who would stay inside their houses during any “social upheaval/battle” while quietly tiptoeing looking through their door narrow gap to see whoever become the winner at the end, and so to rush out to “celebrate, submit, and obey the winners!”

"A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men. " Plato
Having studied human history and observed the reality and interacted with the masses for nearly 50 years, I would paraphrase Plato’s “a true mover one might not be found even among a million men."
As always, folks, listen to what Shiva Ayyadurai has to say and come to your own conclusion.

Here is his Runble Chanel https://rumble.com/c/DrSHIVA

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