Greg Reese: Maui Fires and Directed Energy Weapons

1 year ago

Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons being used against the public.

Directed Energy Weapons include lasers, millimeter wave, and microwave. They are all based on light frequencies. And different wavelengths of light affect colors differently. For example, in laser tattoo removal, different wavelengths are used for removing different colors. And this is because color is a quality of light, and each color has its own frequency. Interestingly enough, the frequency of the color blue is 6.66.

The recent fires in California, Australia, and now Hawaii are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. They are being called forest fires and wildfires, but they are clearly something very different. These fires are burning homes into a white powdery ash footprint while often leaving the surrounding green trees and shrubs practically untouched.

In extreme cases, forest fires can reach temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, and the melting point of aluminum is 1220 degrees Fahrenheit. So it is possible for an extreme forest fire to melt aluminum. But there are cars with puddles of melted aluminum that were clearly not in the wildfire area. And melted glass, which has a melting point of around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. These are unexplained anomalies. In the California fires of 2018, cars were randomly bursting into flames on the freeway with no surrounding fires. We’ve seen these same anomalies in New York City on September 11th, 2001. Cars completely burned out with no explanation.

In Maui, these unnatural fires spared the homes of the rich while burning the native homes of the working class. With precision, these fires destroyed the most envied, high-valued area of Maui.

For decades, Directed Energy Weapons have been classified. But they have been on the public record for several years. Directed Energy Weapons, or DEWs, have the ability to burn homes with this sort of precision. But in order to be this precise, the area would have to be mapped out. In January of this year, green lasers were seen over Hawaii which could best be described as a geospatial array for mapping terrain.

We have seen that among the ashy ruins, there are blue-colored objects that have somehow survived the devastation. Blue cars. Blue umbrellas. A blue boat. Blue planters.

Videos online are going viral that show how lasers can easily burn through certain colored objects, but objects that are colored blue remain unharmed.

Directed Energy Weapons include lasers, millimeter wave, and microwave. They are all based on light frequencies. And different wavelengths of light affect colors differently. For example, in laser tattoo removal, different wavelengths are used for removing different colors. And this is because color is a quality of light, and each color has its own frequency. Interestingly enough, the frequency of the color blue is 6.66.

DEW Fires, Not Wildfires
The giveaway clue that DEW was used in Santa Rosa and Paradise is the way that specific homes were burnt along property lines. Some houses were untouched with fresh produce out front, or orange trees in the backyard, next to houses which were razed to the ground.

These “wildfires” left mailboxes, plants, front yards, back yards, eucalyptus trees and other highly flammable things untouched, while somehow neatly and perfectly targeted particular houses, neighborhoods and areas. Are these the most selective “wildfires” in American history? How can one house burn to the ground while each house on either side remained completely intact? Wildfires obviously don’t do this. Some people were, horribly, killed in their cars. There were reports that as many as 50,000 went missing or died!

Take a look at the images:

California Wildfires and UN Agenda 2030 Connection
Agenda 2030 (formerly Agenda 21) is the UN agenda to centralize governing power in a One World Government by taking it away from the autonomous nations states of the world. In California, city officials are suggesting not to rebuild in burnt areas because the area is too fireprone, all the while prohibiting the people from practicing good forest stewardship. (Some have suggested that the “wildfires” went right through an area where an Agenda 2030 high-speed rail is planned to be built, although that may or may not be the case.)

Land Grab
This appears to be a massive land grab. The plan is open spaces for the rulers and stack-and-pack micro apartments for the masses. Yes, it’s important to care for the environment, but the green movement has been hijacked. There is an ulterior motive to granting rights to inanimate objects like rocks and rivers, a trend which is happening worldwide since it is part of the NWO agenda as implemented via the UN. See it happening in New Zealand, India and Ecuador. By granting human-like rights to non-humans, the NWO conspirators plan to thwart the decentralized sovereignty of the people, kick them off the land and force them into human habitat megalopolises.

High Strangeness in Louisiana and New York
Meanwhile, 2 incidents in Louisiana and New York respectively at the end of December 2018 may lead you to wonder what other kinds of exotic laser weapons the government possesses and deploys against its own people. In Kenner (a small town in Louisiana), massive beams of blue light shot from the sky to set on fire and destroy buildings below! See the video footage here. These beams looked like they were deliberately aimed. UFOs can be seen too. Are the UFOs causing the destruction or harvesting energy from it? Was it DEW? “Finger of God” plasma rays? Government or alien op? You decide. It’s out-of-this-world footage and usually something one only sees in science fiction films.

A strange and destructive beam of light destroys buildings in Kenner, Louisiana.
In New York, there was a similar but not quite the same event with blue light. In the district of Queens, something turned the sky a weird blue color which emanated across the entire city. Officials say it was due to a transformer explosion at an electrical substation, which also caused local outages and grounded flights at LaGuardia Airport. However, as this footage shows, there is much more to the story. See video proof of at least 1 UFO fleeing the area. What was really going on here?

Conclusion: DEW Your Homework
As the corrupt J. Edgar Hoover once said, the average person is handicapped when coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. Although he said that in regard to communism, the idea has a deeper meaning. The ordinary person finds it hard to detect it when DEW are openly used. They just believe it when the MSM says “wildfire.”

However, it is an open fact that the US Government has a long history of experimenting upon its own people, e.g. the 1930s Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the 1940s Guatemalan experiments and the 1960s CIA LSD experiments. With these recent fires in Paradise, California, the evil has sunk to new depths. There is abundant evidence the government used DEW to decimate the area, selectively destroy targets (while leaving other adjacent buildings and even forests intact) and commit mass murder.

Global Directed Energy Weapons Market to Reach $51.1 Billion by 2026.


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