Coming Out

1 year ago

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There is a false doctrine commonly referred to as “hyper-grace.” Within this system of belief is the false notion that a truly saved person can continue to live in indifference or rebellion concerning the ways of God and the Word of God. In essence, individuals who believe and teach this doctrine believe that grace allows us to sin with no fear of present or eternal consequences. These people wrongly believe they can enter the Kingdom of God having never come out of the kingdom of darkness. Scripture is clear that the person who has experienced the redeeming grace of God will have an entirely different life after receiving Christ. This message calls us to consider the powerful promises of God to those who are saved. His grace empowers us to live free from the power of sin. Hyper-grace never teaches us this. Biblical grace always does, and this freedom from sin’s power is the beautiful inheritance of the all the children of God.

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