Increase brain power,reduce anxiety,binaural beat,isochronic beatss,

1 year ago

Binaural beats are an auditory phenomenon that occurs when two slightly different frequencies are presented to each ear separately. The brain perceives a third, "beat" frequency as the difference between the two. For example, if one ear hears a tone at 300 Hz, and the other ear hears a tone at 310 Hz, the brain perceives a binaural beat of 10 Hz.

These beats are not actually heard as a distinct sound but are perceived internally. Binaural beats are often used for various purposes, such as relaxation, meditation, stress reduction, and potentially aiding in achieving altered states of consciousness. The specific frequency of the binaural beat may be associated with different mental states, such as relaxation (lower frequencies) or alertness (higher frequencies). People use binaural beats by listening to audio recordings with headphones to stimulate desired mental states or effects.

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