Start To Finish Fruiting Process! ShitMaster 1000 Mushroom Super Bag. Bags that do the work for you.

1 year ago

The shitmaster series are a manure-based Growbag that we offer. It is a four layered premium, mixed hydrated and pasteurized sSuper bag that contains BRF parentheses brown rice, flour). We chose to do this because it is an extremely reliable mix that can again be transferred to multiple other substrates be transferred to a monotub with ease. It does not need a casing layer, nor do any of the bags that we offer and if they do they come with it.

The difference in the shit master mini bag to the shit master 1000 is the size. The mini is half of the size of the 1000.

These bags are not the quickest, but they are the more reliable options that we offer for beginners to learn easy as again these bags, like all of our others, provide everything for your mushrooms, to survive and thrive

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