4 Stages of Brainwashing - Ideological Subversion by KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov

1 year ago

From a Former Professional KGB Brainwashing and Propaganda Specialist who Defected from Russia.

1. Demoralization - 15 to 20 years to demoralize a country because it takes this long to educate and expose the ideology to ONE Generation. In the US this Demoralization Process is completely Fulfilled and was a long time ago and it was done by lack of Moral Standards. Exposure to TRUE Information does NOT matter anymore. The FACTS mean nothing anymore. Even if taken by force they may not believe it.
2. Destabilization - this takes 2 to 5 years to destabilize a nation. Whether you eat Junk Food or get Fat it doesn't matter.
3. Crisis -- may only take 6 Weeks to bring a Country into crisis.
4. Normalization - this may last indefinitely. This is what will happen if we believe the promise of Universal Income and the introduction into "socialism" into the New World Order under One Single Government. This will eliminate Capitalism and there will no longer be a Free Market. The Liberal Professors are vital to this destabilization process. It is these fools who will be the ultimate fool to push this agenda as they will quickly realize what they have been a part of and that they will not receive any benefit.

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