The Stone the builders Rejected/The bible is an Idol

1 year ago

I am just a living witness of the Living Christ WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH AND MUST TELL PEOPLE, because Yeshua spoke to me "I've anointed you, so tell them" "Witness the Spirit". PLEASE HUMBLE YOUR HEARTS AND START SEEKING GOD FOR HIS SON AND SPIRIT! Jesus/Yeshua is the Stone all the other stones must line up with. Jesus is the living word, and He only speaks by the Spirit.
God's word is SPIRIT and ALWAYS has been!!
THE LITTLE BOOK in Revelation Chapter 10 is the bible.
Revelation 10:3-4
And I cried with a loud vice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me. Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
(The seven thunders uttered THE BIBLE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST. THIS IS WHAT GOD WILL TRY THE EARTH WITH. Will people choose the bible or the SPIRIT?)
Revelation 10:10 And I took the little book (THE BIBLE) out of the angel's hand, and ate it up (HAD FAITH IN IT);
and it was in my mouth sweet as honey(SEEMED GOOD TO THE FLESH or NATURAL MIND): and as soon as I had eaten it(BELIEVED IN THY HEART THAT IT WAS THE WORD OF GOD TO YOU), my belly(is talking about your SOUL) was bitter(meaning without Christ, FULL OF DEAD LETTER, NO SPIRIT)
Most of the world has chosen their bibles, their churches, their bible colleges, men teaching them and controlling them and NOT the SPIRIT. God's word is SPIRIT and always has been. People with their fleshly desires and need to control invented religion. This is Lucifer's seed and Lucifer's seed will NOT enter in to the Kingdom where Jesus rules and reigns IN THE SPIRIT. People must REPENT from this abomination that has caused desolation THE GREAT FALLING AWAY FROM THE FAITH. Faith only comes by hearing the VOICE of God, not through reading words God spoke to others. The scriptures are dead letter words that were NEVER spoke to anyone living today and is NOT your faith. THIS IS BLASPHEMY!
"" Jesus is trying to warn you about this delusion we have been under more than 400 years.""
The people (the clergymen) who brought that book over here to America on the Mayflower ALREADY took the mark of the beast in order to BUY AND SELL. ""They bowed down to King James."" Satan controls what everyone buys or sells and he does it through leaders that use so called holy books and law to control the masses with. The bible is an object the professional clergymen used in order to CONTROL the common people. The Living God CONTROLS His children with the HOLY SPIRIT! The president of America must swear in on the mark of the beast for His nation & CONTROLS the sanctions & trades in the world. The countries that do not bow down to his policies can not buy or sell. The whole world has taken the mark of the beast. We were all born under it. This is the STRONG DELUSION that would deceive the ELECT if it were possible.
People THINK they are saved by claiming words from a book and accepting Jesus from this historical account. But no one is saved unless Yeshua accepts them and FILLS them with the HOLY SPIRIT.
People have taken the mark of the beast and do not even realize it.
WAKE UP PEOPLE!! Close your books and seek for the Living Yeshua HaMashiach in the SPIRIT so that you can OVERCOME the mark of the beast!!
If you are controlled by the dead letter thinking that you serve the Living Christ through a history book, then you are deceived.
Start asking Yeshua for the Holy Spirit and keep asking Him to reveal the truth to your heart and get you started on your way HOME.
If you die having your faith in this book and not in the real living Christ in the Holy Spirit your soul will be bitter on judgement day and your soul will be lost forever.
Praise and Honor to Yeshua for His Gift to us.

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