Teaching on Dormition, the “nature” of Mary, the human nature of Jesus Christ, & related subjects.

1 year ago

2023-08-27 An excerpt, starting from the beginning, of a longer teaching on Dormition, the Transfiguration and the 6th Lecture of St. Cyril of Jerusalem.

Audio: http://www.orthodox.net/catechism/catechesis_2023-08-27+dormition.mp3
Video: https://youtu.be/OaUGkj1JjBo

0:0035:28 Dormition
0:1017:58 Meaning of the word Dormition and its significance (and how the Orthodox belief about Dormition, and Mary in General differs markedly from the Latins)
0:25 - 1:05 What was *different* in the nature of Mary and us?
1:051:38 did Mary Die?
1:3813:08 Jesus Christ took all His humanity from the Theotokos. And a description of the main points of Mary’s life and ministry – here conception, dedication in the temple, life in the temple, betrothal, annunciation, , her visitation of Elizabeth, Joseph’s reaction to her pregnancy, the nativity of Christ, her life after the resurrection.
13:0817:58 The days preceding her death, story of her Dormition.
15:4316:16 All icons of the Theotokos with the infant Christ *always* show him as a small adult or older child. Why?
16:16 Mary is the *first* resurrected mortal human being. How is her resurrection and ascension into Heaven, in a perfected body, different from Elijah’s and Enoch’s translations?
17:4117:58 Differences in Orthodox belief and Latin belief regarding the Dormition.
18:11 What is the significance *to us* that the Theotokos is in heaven, in a perfected body?
21:03 Jesus Christ was not “super-human”, but He was fully anointed with the Holy Spirit. Explaining how Christ was “tempted in all ways as we are”, but without sin.
22:5829:50 But what about Christ flipping over the tables in the temple and whipping people? Was He angry? Did He sin?
24:2429:01 A story about the *only* fight I ever started – and I am glad I did!
28:5832:23 Do the Orthodox believe that the Theotokos never sinned in her life?
32:2335:03 More about the Annunciation
35:0335:28 The Dormition is the last feast of the liturgical year.
35:2836:49 Why do we say “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!”

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