Sorry Antarctica We're Closed Our Hidden Flat Earth This Area Is As Big As U.S.A.

1 year ago

Sorry Antarctica We're Closed Our Hidden Flat Earth This Area Admiral Byrd: “An Area As Big As The United States on the Other Side of the South Pole” According most flat earthers, there’s no such thing as the continent of Antarctica. In their imagination, Antarctica is not a continent, but a long ice wall enclosing the Earth. Without having anything to prove that assumption, they look anywhere for any quote they can mine and stumbled into this quote by Admiral Byrd “Strangely enough, there is left in the world today, an area as big as the United States, that’s never been seen by a human being. And that’s beyond the pole, on the other side of the south pole from Little America.”

Flat earthers love to overimagine things and because of their lack of knowledge, Byrd’s statement is interpreted that there are lands beyond this ice wall and ‘the powers’ are hiding these lands from us. ‘The powers’ are secretly exploiting these lands for their own purpose and are guarding every inch of them.

That’s a nice story and an uncritical person might even see it as reality. But if we take a good look at a map of Antarctica, and mark the location of Little America and the South Pole, it is not hard to see what Admiral Byrd had in mind.

At Byrd’s time, the other side of Antarctica was unexplored. Everyone who set his feet on Antarctica began their journey from practically the same side of Antarctica as Byrd did: the Ross Ice Shelf. No one had done it from the other side.

The other side of Antarctica was unexplored at that time. This is what Byrd was refering to. And taking ice shelves into account, the area of it is practically the same as the continental United States.

81 Government & Affiliate Documents that admit Flat Earth It's A PDF Download.

If a scientific conspiracy theory is funny, that doesn’t mean it’s a joke.

Debunking the Flat Earth Ice Wall. Part 1 of 4 of the The Flat Earth Antarctica Conspiracy. This is the first of a 4 part series on the belief of flat earthers that Antarctica is a conspiracy in a variety of ways. We cover each point separately since this topic is so extensive because they've built up so many layers of conspiracy around this continent. This article will be debunking the ice wall flat earthers claim exist, and the other articles will be as follows:

As we point out in our article, The Flat Earth Resurgence , there has been a huge rise in people who have actually rejected the sphere earth model completely and seem to truly believe the earth is flat! We point out that in order to be able to explain proven phenomenon we see every day in real life, flat earthers have to build more and more unproven and crazy theories on top of crazy theories until their idea looks more like a Rube Goldberg machine than a model of reality.

What Flat Earthers Believe About Antarctica
In my opinion, the most bizarre of their conspiracies is the one about Antarctica. They have built so many ideas on top of ideas that their beliefs about Antarctica have become so incredibly ludicrous, you couldn't make up the things they will tell you about this frozen continent.

First of all, they do not believe Antarctica is a continent, per se, but a frozen 'ice rim' the circumference of the entire planet planet. Secondly, they believe there is no 24 hour sun on Antarctica during their summer months, and they believe no one can go to Antarctica, because if it were allowed, someone might find the ice wall and prove to the world the earth is flat (really!)!

To keep the Rube Goldberg theme going, in order to prevent people from going and exploring for this ice rim, they believe the UN has a fleet of ships patrolling the entire circumference of the earth, preventing any ships from going there to find the ice wall. They also believe the Antarctic Treaty is proof of this, and there is a multinational agreement to keep anyone from going to Antarctica and finding the truth! Conveniently, this Treaty designed to hide a flat earth is published right on the internet for all to see and read.

They believe this is all a conspiracy by the leaders of dozens of nations, the UN, shipping companies, airlines, private companies who deal with the government, and even satellite cable companies, to hide the real truth from you. They will even bring Admiral Byrd and Wikileaks into the mess to 'prove' their conspiracy! All of which we will show is utter nonsense later in the series.

When asked the reason for the biggest conspiracy on the planet it usually illicits nonsensical answers such as "Well, they are hiding land from us!" or "There is nothing that would quench the exploratory spirit of the most curious creature on the planet by telling him the earth is a sphere!" or the religious reason of "They are hiding God from us", as if an omnipotent being would be able to accomplish anything and everything except making spheres, or somehow a flat plane with an impenetrable dome would naturally harbor more land or incite more of an exploratory spirit than the ability to go into the infinity of space would!

Seriously, I could not even make this stuff up if I were to try. These are actual beliefs of the vast majority of flat earthers, and why I chose to make this series to debunk this nonsense and provide some sanity to this Antarctica conspiracy theory.

The Ice Wall Debunked
The entire start of this conspiracy is their belief in an ice wall. This belief is mainly because, as we point out in our article The Flat Earth Map is Actually a Projection Map of a Globe, despite having every GPS coordinate on nearly every point on the earth, satellite images of the entire earth, and having nearly every distance accurately mapped between every point on earth, flat earthers have not been able to use crowdsourcing of their tens of thousands of members, blockchain, the internet, and supercomputers to create an accurate map with even correct distances between points. It should be amazingly easy to map a planar earth to a planar surface, but so far, this feat has eluded them.

So, instead of using modern technology to survey their fantasy world and create an accurate 'flat earth map' they have arbitrarily chosen to use a globe projection map with Antarctica depicted as an ice rim around the world, as shown in the image below. Somehow, inexplicably, flat earthers decided this depiction of Antarctica as an ice rim is reality.

However, there is zero evidence of this ice wall, and plenty of evidence it is merely a continent present at the southern pole of the earth, including the fact that it has been circumnavigated multiple times, including This Successful Solo Navigation by Lisa Blair in 2017 and there is even an Annual Antarctic Cup Race complete with a 'racetrack' of electronic gates and lanes. Not to mention the fact it's been surveyed in many different ways.

All of the circumnavigations and surveys, that have led to the depictions of Antarctica on a globe, point to the continent having a circumference of less than 15,000 miles, both as shown on the sailors' GPS devices, the length of time it took the circumnavigations to occur, and results of surveys. However, on the globe projection map that flat earthers use, the circumference of Antarctica must be somewhere between 60,000- 78,000 miles.

Here's the math that you can do yourself to show this. I put in the coordinates for the very tip of Antarctica in South America to the topmost portion of land at the top of North America, to make as straight a line as possible on Google maps (Note that when you do this on Google maps, the line will be slightly curved. I wonder why) and got the coordinates of and for a total distance of just at 10,000 miles (10,000.23 mi to be exact). This is actually somewhat too short of a distance, since the center of the Arctic Circle would be higher than my coordinates, and the center of the Antarctic Circle would also be lower. But we'll give flat earthers this 'conservative' estimate to show the approximate circumference of the interior of the ice wall.

So, we put in the formula of: C=2πr
to get the total circumference of: 62831.85 miles.

But we can add on even more distance using the distance between the actual coordinates. Google maps will not allow these coordinates to be put in to get directions, so I used which gives us the distance of 12,427 miles from North Pole to South Pole, which would give us the staggering number of 78083.81 miles of the earth's circumference. This would represent the exterior of the ice wall.

I could do the calculations on Google maps to be more accurate, but you get the idea of the giant distances involved here, in determining the size of the ice rim. The distance is between 60,000 to 78,000 miles. This is a 4 -5 times larger than the 14,000-15,000 mile distance aerial surveys, satellite imagery, and circumnavigation have revealed. An error of 400-500%, or of approximately 45,000 miles!

The Science Sphere Earthers Have Done on Antarctica
While flat earthers are making memes and inventing conspiracies, sphere earthers are doing aerial and satellite surveys of Antarctica to create accurate maps for navigation and further exploration. Some surveys that have been done are:

THE FALKLAND ISLANDS AND DEPENDENCIES AERIAL SURVEY EXPEDITION: carried out in 1956-1957. You can see many of the studies done from this expedition at the Cambridge University Website for the Scott Polar Research Institute
The British Antarctic Survey: Where you can take your pick of one of the many types of maps they have created, such as topographic maps, geologic maps, digital maps for use in GPS devices and for pilots, and magnetic anomaly maps compiled from satellite and ground data by 22 different scientific organizations since 1957
The Soviets have done at least 35 Antarctic expeditions. You can see the abstract of research on this study entitled Soviet geological maps of the Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctic Shield
Antarctica Gamburtsev Project: Surveyed and discovered entire mountain ranges underneath the ice.
This is the 1970-1971 Typewritten Report from the Antarctic Research Division of the Australian Government
The Australian Government has an entire Website discussing their activities in Antarctica, including the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition
There was a Prince Charles Mountains Expedition of Germany and Australia where they did extensive geodetic surveying and ice radar surveying
There's even a McMurdo-Antarctica Lidar Project attempting to map the continent with lidar.
You can even search the Australian Antarctic Data Center and the Cambridge Scott Polar Research Institute Database for specific information about the thousands of expeditions, surveys, and even get the satellite imagery that has been done on Antarctica. There is a mountain of information and evidence that flat earthers must completely ignore in order to maintain their ridiculous illusion

And the Evidence from the Flat Earthers?
No flat earther has done any aerial surveying or taken satellite imagery of this ice wall even though they believe their impenetrable dome is at least 200 miles in height and so could easily get a satellite or plane over it to get images, surveys, or lidar. None have Circumnavigated Antarctica Like Lisa Blair, attempted a Solo Crossing Like Henry Worsely tried to do, and it seems as though none have even bothered to 'survey' it in the comfort of an airliner by taking this Quantus Antarctic Tourist Flight to see for themselves that it is a continent and not an ice rim. It seems that none have figured out ANY way to get the slightest bit of evidence of this 'ice rim' or the edge of the world they claim is there.

In fact, this promotional video for the Quantus flight Yes, the one entitled Flat Earth Hoax below) explains that they have NINETEEN different flight paths over the continent, and that they have many repeat customers for this tourist flight that flies over Antarctica for 4 to 5 HOURS. There is a huge amount of footage of Antarctica in this video, and certainly there are thousands of tourists with hours of video from this flight.

At an average airspeed of 550 miles per hour, the flight would cover over 1000 miles in two hours of flying with over 100 miles of view in each direction. If you look at the flat earth map, at no point could that ice wall possibly be 1000 miles wide. If there were an ice rim around the earth, someone on that flight would have noticed. In fact, that flight would simply not be allowed if there were a massive worldwide cover up to hide a flat earth from us.

I suspect some flat earther might argue that they are flying over the North Pole. However, the flight leaves from Australia and takes 12 hours out and back. There is no possibility such a great distance could be covered in 12 hours, let alone have 4 hours of flight time over the ice in the North Pole.

A while back, there was a GoFundMe Campaign to get flat earthers to Antarctica to prove the flat earth, but It Was Canceled After a Negative Article About Flat Earth . Cancelled after a negative article? What? Sounds like true science believers who are dedicated to the truth, right?

Every once in a while, they may put up a picture of an iceberg or ice floe and claim it's THE ice rim, but these images of a small chunk of ice could be taken anywhere in the world and are certainly not evidence of a continuous wall of ice 60,000 miles in circumference. In other words, they have zero evidence of this ice wall. The only thing they have are wild, speculative claims with no evidence to back them up. Here's one of the images they use to prove the existence of a 60,000 mile ice wall being guarded by a fleet of what would need to be 10's of thousands of armed ships.

Interestingly enough, the actual image in the meme disproves their belief system! Too bad they did not bother to find the source of this image, and just liked the way it looked. It is an image from a blog called Our World Heritage.

The ship in the meme above is the FS Polarstern, a private ship and not an armed UN gunship, contracted on the author's trip to Antarctica to take supplies to people at the Neumayer Station, a permanent research outpost on the ice shelf. I soundly Debunk Ice Wall Memes and provide more details of this image and the story behind it on that page. This image is simply a dishonest way to get gullible people to believe in the flat earth cult.

Can they get any more ridiculous? Well, keep reading to Part 2: Debunking the Flat Earth Antarctic Treaty Conspiracy to find out how flat earthers have concocted an insane story about a fleet of armed UN ships preventing anyone from finding the ice wall!

Debunking The Antarctic Treaty Conspiracy. Part 2 of 4: The Flat Earth Antarctica Conspiracy. Welcome to Part 2 of this 4 part series on Debunking the Flat Earth Antarctic Conspiracy. Since flat earthers have turned this topic into a massive Rube Goldberg machine of conspiracy on top of conspiracy, the necessity for a four part series became evident, in order to debunk each separate part of this whacky conspiracy. So, here are the sections: As you read in Debunking the Ice Wall , flat earthers believe the Antarctica is part of a huge, worldwide conspiracy theory to hide the existence of a flat earth. They believe that Anarctica is not a continent, per se, but a 60,000-78,000 mile in circumference ice wall that borders the entire planet and acting as a container for the earth’s waters, thereby holding them in and keeping ships from falling off the edge of the earth.

We debunked the idea that there is an ice wall, providing tens of thousands of pieces of evidence from multiple countries of hundreds of expeditions that have provided us with the shape of the continent as seen on multiple maps. The data contributing to this have included, but are not limited to:

Satellite observations
Aerial surveys
Ground level surveys
Against all reason, flat earthers reject this evidence, demanding that every scientific study, every satellite image, every account of scientists, and even the accounts of pilots and those on flights going from Sydney to Johannesburg visualizing Antarctica while doing so are simply lying and are part of a worldwide conspiracy involving millions of people who have all remained silent for almost 70 years now.

The Antarctic Treaty is a Nefarious Conspiracy!
Proof of this conspiracy, according to flat earthers, is the Antarctic Treaty. There really is one, and you can Read The Antarctic Treaty Here along with the Protocol for Environmental Protection portion and determine for yourself what it says.

Flat earthers, however, who have obviously not read it, claim that it a multinational treaty preventing anyone from stepping foot on Antarctica, so that no one will find the ice wall! They believe it’s the only “closed continent”, and heavily guarded against any humans not in on the conspiracy!

What it ACTUALLY does is to prevent anyone, including any governments, from, for instance:

Declaring any of the land private property
Doing mining operations
Removing or damaging sensitive flora and fauna
Building a housing tract or a business
Setting up a nuclear missile site
Using it as a waste dump
or any number of things that would permanently harm the land or prevent it from being used freely by others for enjoyment
In essence, it recognizes that Antarctica is a special place, worthy of conservation and protection, and that it should be preserved for its majestic natural properties rather than being exploited for its natural resources or turned into a nuclear waste dumping ground, for instance.

Flat earthers, however, actually believe that no one can even GO there or even fly OVER it, despite the fact that:

There is a Facebook group with thousands of members entitled "I've Been to Antarctica"
Dozens of travel blogs report their experiences in Antarctica
Close to 5 major cruise ship companies go there
Many companies do private tours
Thousands of scientific and private expeditions have gone there
People have done solo expeditions
Tourist flights land there, and the profile picture for this article has an image of a plane landing on Blue Ice Runway in Antarctica
There is even a Quantas 'tourist flight' that spends about 5 hours flying over the continent simply for the sake of tourists being able to view it from the air
In fact, this scientific study even states, "However, rapidly growing human activity is accelerating threats to biodiversity. " Another states, "With rapidly increasing human activity in Antarctica, terrestrial plant communities are at risk of damage or destruction." Rapidly increasing human activity? In a place no one is allowed to go or they will be stopped, or even killed?

According to flat earthers, none of these reports of 'human activity' on Antarctica are real, but are just part of the giant ruse necessary to keep us brainwashed that Antarctica is really a continent! The flights don't exist, the cruises don't exist, none of the expeditions exist. They are all fake and engineered at high cost to keep us brainwashed and believing the earth is round when it's really flat! They will actually argue that images, like this one below of a boat of tourists in Antarctica, are just staged, are really done in the Arctic, and the participants are part of a CIA psy-op and worldwide conspiracy. And the Antarctic Treaty is proof of this conspiracy!

Antarctic Treaty Protected Areas
The Antarctic Treaty DOES, however, outline some special areas called Antarctic Conservation Biogeographic Regions (ACBRs) that are off-limits to anyone without a permit, and permits have requirements such as being limited to people with certain qualifications doing scientific studies. Many parts of the world have special areas like this for various reasons, such as safety or protecting wildlife. Here's the map of the ACBR's.

Even Yellowstone National Park has several of these areas in order to, for instance, prevent people from doing things like boiling themselves alive in hot springs, like a man did this year. Mexico has beaches that are completely off-limits to humans when tortoises are nesting, and Belize has caves that are off-limits in order to protect the precious archeological treasures inside in-situ.

Anyone who has traveled can likely point to different areas of the world that do similar things for various different reasons. Special protected areas are not new, not limited to Antarctica, and are should not even incite the slightest bit of thoughts about conspiracy, especially since, as you can see on the map above, these areas comprise a less than 2% non-contiguous area of Antarctica.

One would be hard pressed to argue (although they still will) that barring the world from less than a non-contiguous 2% of the continent would prevent anyone from finding their mythological ice wall, were they so inclined to find it. There other argument is that there are military bases there not, of course, for strategic purposes, but for the sole purpose of preventing anyone suspecting we live on a flat earth from finding the ice wall. Well, there are military bases in most of the geographically strategic places in the world as well. This hardly comprises evidence of a conspiracy any more than the US military having a base on Midway should cause someone to suspect they are hiding a magic portal to another realm there.

Did Wikileaks Prove the Conspiracy?
Flat earthers like to point to a Wikileaks mention of Antarctica to PROVE their conspiracy that you are not allowed to go there. In fact, they put a DATE on it when you'll again be able to explore Antarctica. It's in 2046! Well, they get it wrong again due to their lack of even 2 minutes of fact checking mixed with their propensity to repeat the claims of anything that supports their bias.

Ironically, note the Wikileaks image of a dripping globe below. I would think that the dripping globe would hardly make flat earth proponents latch onto WikiLeaks for support of their conspiracy, but flat earthers aren't likely to see the irony.

You Can Read the Wikileaks Document Here Yourself, and see that when they say there is no EXPLORATION until 2046, they are referring to RESOURCE exploration, such as mining. They are not referring to an inability to go there and look for the elusive ice rim, they are referring to your inability to claim the land as your own, bring heavy machinery in, and do some strip mining! Sounds like a nefarious plot, doesn’t it?

What Wikileaks was 'leaking' is that there appears to be an effort by certain countries to change the Treaty, or violate it so that they can exploit Antarctica for its natural resources. Here is the exact quote from the WikiLeaks document above.

Here is the Wikileaks quote that has been taken entirely out of context.

"There's believed to be a great deal of resources in the area and
exploration is banned until at least 2046, I believe, unless another
provision is added to the treaty."

Note how it says, "... exploration is banned", but has the qualifier of 'resources' in the same sentence. So, flat earthers are not even bothering to read the entire SENTENCE from Wikileaks before passing it around as evidence of a conspiracy to keep people from finding the ice wall. This is the level flat earthers fall to in their dishonesty, gullibility, and cognitive dissonance.

A Fleet of Armed United Nations Ships Prevent Anyone From Going to Antarctica!
Yes, flat earthers REALLY do believe that there is an entire fleet of UN warships that are in place to forcibly stop anyone from exploring Antarctica and finding the ice wall. Many flat earth threads will refer to Antarctica as the most heavily guarded place on the planet. Where they get this ridiculous idea is beyond me.

The UN would literally have to have tens of thousands of boats to patrol the 60,000-78,000 miles of coastline just to prevent the odd person from exploring land that anyone can book a tour to, like the many people who have taken the Loftleidir Icelandic Boeing 757 to go see the last great wilderness of earth for themselves.

Heck, you can experience Antarctica from the safety of a hot tub while sipping Champagne with your grandmother, if you wish. There is just literally no evidence at all of this fleet of tens of thousands of gunboats that would require something close to a hundred thousand sailors, maintenance yards all over the world, refueling stations, food suppliers, etc.

If there is any evidence of this fleet or people with video of UN gunboats threatening them, well, no flat earther has ever shown it to anyone. Maybe they are just keeping this damning evidence that supports a massive conspiracy to themselves for the time being. But until then, we have to declare the dearth of evidence on this subject in the realm of a ridiculous wild claim on the part of flat earthers.

Nothing in Wikileaks or in the Antarctic Treaty itself supports a conspiracy to hide an ice wall or provides money or resources for a fleet of UN Gunboats, and certainly no one has ever filmed armed UN boats turning them away from the coastline after funding an exploratory campaign.

These are just more unfounded ridiculous claims made up simply to answer questions about why flat earthers don’t just go to Antarctica, find the ice wall, and prove to the world the earth is flat once and for all. Since they are incapable or unwilling to do any such thing, they invented a complex myth to keep them theorizing from their basements instead of doing on-site scientific research to prove or disprove their claims as actual scientists would be doing.

Debunking the Flat Earth Admiral Byrd Conspiracy. Part 3 of 4: The Flat Earth Antarctica Conspiracy. Welcome to part 3 of this 4 part series on the Flat Earth Antarctica Conspiracy Theory. Here are the other parts in this 4 part series. And we'll have one article that is a compilation article if you prefer to read or link to all 4 parts at once: Flat earthers are so desperate to find evidence of this ice wall they have somehow latched onto Admiral Byrd as providing not only evidence of an ice wall and flat earth, but evidence there are lands BEYOND this ice wall the Antarctic Treaty is designed to hide! They claim part of the massive conspiracy to hide flat earth from us is because there is much more land to be explored, and that governments are secretly exploiting these lands and using the resources to make themselves rich! And Admiral Byrd is proof of this.

But Admiral Byrd neither said nor implied any such thing. Flat earthers simply make ridiculous claims that are merely passed on and repeated like a game of telephone by people who are unable or unwilling to do their own research, or who take things out of context to either confirm their own bias or be dishonest.

You can watch An Interview with Admiral Byrd here, and what he actually said, at 1:41 is, "Strangely enough, there is left in the world today, an area as big as the United States, that's never been seen by a human being. And that's beyond the pole, on the other side of the south pole from Little America [his base on Antarctica]". Flat earthers take this to mean that there is land BEYOND Antarctica, and modern day Americans who don't understand the context of the time might be excused from misunderstanding or being confused about that statement, however just a bit of fact checking would clarify what he meant.

Byrd was referring TO Antarctica, as the vast majority had not been explored yet. At the time, Admiral Byrd was hugely popular, and people had followed his exploits in Antarctic and certainly knew that Little America was his base, which is why neither he nor the interviewers felt the need to explain what Little America was. But to many, it sounds like he said, "Middle America", and it makes it a bit confusing.

However, what he meant by "The other side of the pole from Little America" is easily discerned when looking at this map of Antarctica with his Little America base on it. He was simply being specific as to the unexplored region of Antarctica that was on the opposite side of the South Pole from his base. No conspiracy, just specificity.

Hilariously for flat earthers, who obviously have not watched the video themselves, later in the interview, Byrd uses the phrase, "The bottom of the world" many times. The time stamps are at approximately:

The 'bottom of the world? How could a flat earther latch onto someone who talks about 'the bottom of the world' as someone who is talking about a flat earth? Antarctica being the bottom of the world would be much more consistent with the current model of a sphere than of a flat plane where Antarctica is an ice rim.

Additionally, in the first part of the interview, he refers to Antarctica as "the size of the United States". He was actually pretty close, as you can see in the image below, to the size of the continent as we know it that is approximately 14,000-15,000 miles in circumference, and not an 'ice rim' that is the circumference of the entire world. If an explorer had found an ice rim so large, it circled the earth and was at least 60,000 miles long (as we go over in Part 1: Debunking the Flat Earth Ice Wall to show how we arrived at that figure), referring to such a find as "the size of the United States" would be patently underestimating the vast unimaginable size of the area, and would just not be how one would describe an ice rim that circled the world.

Even more, the interviewer asks Byrd at 2:10, "Since you've been to both extremities of earth..." and Byrd merely answers the question without correcting the interviewer. What would "both extremities of the earth" mean on a flat earth?

Even later, at approximately 5:30, the interviewer asks, tongue in cheek, "I've heard it said there are 7 continents in the world and the only one that has never been seen by a woman is Antarctica. Is that really true". Byrd answers by saying, "As far as I know, that's true."

Even more interestingly is that an Admiral Byrd stamp was released in 1934, very much while Admiral Byrd was still alive, and the stamp features a globe with Antarctica at the bottom of the earth, right where he suggested it would be, and right where maps show it to be today. There is nothing to suggest that Byrd would have been dismayed or amused by this stamp. It was intended as a tribute to him, and there is no reason to believe that he thought otherwise about it.

If anything, these show that Byrd is a sphere earther, talking about the bottom of the world, both extremities of the earth, a globe stamp in his honor, and the seven continents that we still know today. Certainly, it does not suggest a HIDDEN continent that, of course no woman would have stepped on either. Byrd also conducted long range reconnaissance missions by plane over Antarctica, mapping over a million square miles, giving us much of the shape of the continent as we know it today.

Was Admiral Byrd a Friend or Foe?
To add even more color to this conspiracy, there are flat earthers in another camp, who believe that Admiral Byrd is not telling us about the lands beyond Antarctica, but that he's part of the conspiracy to hide the ice wall from us. And his expeditions FOUND the ice wall and subsequently started this whole multinational conspiracy to cover up this truth from us! Their 'proof' of this is that Admiral Byrd was a freemason!

Other evidence they cite is that in later expeditions, he was financed by the US Government, and this, too, means he was lying. On the expedition financed by the government, it was concluded 6 months early, and that is proof that they found something so important, so secret that they were forced to end the expedition. The truth is not so sexy or mysterious. The expedition was plagued with mechanical issues and incredibly harsh weather.

So, which is it, is he a friend of flat earthers, talking about "lands beyond" Antarctica, and telling the world the earth is flat? Or is he a nefarious freemason illuminati who is lying in order to hide flat earth? Flat earthers are divided on the topic.

But something about Admiral Byrd seems to incite conspiracy theories of one sort or another. There are conspiracies about him giving testimony of having seen UFO's by the UFO conspiracy folks, and hollow earth theorists claim he did a 'secret' flight over either the north or south pole (the sources are divided on this) in 1947, where he found the opening to the center of the earth and met people who lived there. This claim has been around for so long that as far back as 1961, The New York Times put out a challenge for anyone who had evidence to bring it forth for publication; and even The Hollow Earth Insider website did a long, well-researched piece that debunks this claim, believes it was actually a lie intended to discredit hollow earthers, and, again, offered a challenge to anyone with evidence to bring it forward.

But instead of this Byrd flat earth conspiracy dying due to lack of evidence, flat earthers have revitalized it, probably because they are desperate to find something, anything, to back up their wild claims. Rather than providing evidence of flat earth, this conspiracy, along with the Antarctic Treaty Conspiracy just gives more weight to the bizarre mentality and desperation of flat earthers.

In order to get scientific recognition of their flat world, they could go about commissioning a satellite, plane, boat, exploration party, or some such thing that the growing group of multiple tens of thousands of flat earthers could fund with a Kickstarter campaign. Instead, they avoid getting any real evidence, like doing an expedition to Antarctica, or even just sending up a satellite, and instead revitalize long-dead conspiracy theories by taking words of a man long-since dead, take them out of context, don't research anything, make wild claims, and expect you to believe in massive conspiracy theories of which there is no evidence. Unfortunately, it seems that there are many gullible people falling for this nonsense, and their cult seems to be growing by leaps and bounds.

Yes, Flat Earthers, There Really Is 24 Hour Sunlight in Antarctica. Part 4 of 4: The Flat Earth Antarctica Conspiracy. Welcome to the 4th of this 4 part series on debunking a very long and complicated conspiracy theory about Antarctica that flat earthers have concocted. In this part, we'll discuss the very real belief by flat earthers that there is no 24 hour sun in Antarctica.

This article started out as a single article about debunking this conspiracy, but because there are so many convoluted aspects to this conspiracy theory, it turned into a 4 part series in order that the conspiracy be debunked thoroughly such that flat earthers could not come back and have an objection to any part of the debunk and that, by the time the series is complete, any rational person would be able to see that there absolutely is no conspiracy theory about Antarctica.

Where Does this Denial of 24 Hour Sunlight in Antarctica Come From?
First of all, the question is why do flat earthers believe such a thing? Well, as you'll see, a [24 HHour Sunlight Sunlight in Antarctica is Impossible is Impossible on a FlaFEarth. There is simply no flat earth model possible-series) that can account for this known and provable phenomenon. Therefore they have a great need to deny anything that will prove their belief is impossible.

However, as we'll also show, denying 24 hour sun in Antarctica is actually irrelevant, and simply having days with more than 12 hours of sunlight in the southern hemisphere is impossible anyway, so their denial of 24 hour daylight in Antarctica is pointless to maintain their delusional impossible belief system.

It's Simple Logic to Believe There is 24 Hour Sun in Antarctica
Until I started looking into this flat earth discussion, I had no idea that anyone even questioned such a well-established fact! It seems ridiculous on it's face and, upon further investigation, I found it to actually be as ridiculous as it sounds.

So, first of all, just a small investigation would allow one to accurately predict that Antarctica would have 24 hour sunlight. Even flat earthers do not dispute there is 24 hour sunlight in the Arctic in their summer and 24 hours of darkness in their winter. They also do not dispute that the equator has 12 hours of sunlight every day all year.

But, as with most flat earth concepts, things start to go haywire in the southern hemisphere because the Flat Earth Map is Actually a Globe Projection Map and, as such, the southern hemisphere is incredibly distorted. Things that are possible on a sphere due to it's symmetry become impossible on a flat model that does not have such symmetry, and so they are forced to build crazy explanations around these discrepancies. And this model of a flat earth sun shows that there is no possible way for the sun to light up Antarctica 24 hours a day, so they simply MUST reject that it really happens. In fact, I had one guy argue so circularly, that he showed me how it was impossible on this flat earth model, and how that 'debunked' that it actually existed in reality!

We can show, through simple logic, that Antarctica SHOULD have 24 hour sunlight on December 21st, the southern hemipshere summer solstice.

Note, the latitudes and lengths of sunlight are APPROXIMATE. It is not meant to be an exact model of the exact times of daylight at the exact latitudes (flat earthers focus on minor details and will reject an image such as this because it's 'a cartoon' and it's not exact to the minute). Instead, this is intended to be an approximation. A visual of how much daylight occurs in each of these approximate areas on earth. The big picture. An overall view of how sunlight WORKS on earth in reality.

The length of daylight for these areas were taken from and so far as I know, flat earthers have no argument with any of these times taken from these types of websites, such as this one or except in regards to Antarctica.

So, what time DO they think it is in Antarctica on December 21st? Most will just simply not answer that question even though it would seem perfectly logical for Antarctica to have 24 hour days at the peak of it's summer.

Flat Earthers Don't Agree On This Either
As with most of their ideas, flat earthers are divided on the subject (or simply ignorant of their topic), and flat earthers will sometimes claim that a map called the Gleason map is actually a map of flat earth, despite the fact the patent itself says it's a azimuthal equidistant projection map, but that is another topic for an article I'll do in the near future. The Gleason Map actually shows 24 hour sun in Antarctica on the winter solstice through a clever calculation key.

Note that the white part in the center is what would actually be DARK on earth. Unfortunately, this would require the sun to have an oblong hole through the center to accomplish this, as you can see above. Obviously, this does not comport with reality, nor do they have an explanation as to how the sun could cause such a pattern.

Evidence for a 24 Hour Sun in Antarctica
We first came to know Antarctica had 24 hour sun by the anecdotes of the original explorers. We discuss the Admiral Byrd Antarctica Conspiracy Theory on that page, and it's in some of the writings of his company in which the midnight sun is discussed. Bob Young did a Handwritten Narrative of his expedition with Byrd in 1933-1935 and he mentions it several times.

Since then, we have possibly thousands of references to it on travel blogs, people on expeditions, people doing research, and even in documentaries such as Antarctica: A Year on the Ice. There are also some nice time lapses of the 24 Hour sun in Antarctica, such as this one done at the Scott Base:

Predictably, flat earthers have done debunk videos declaring every one of them 'fake' for various reasons they can never quite explain, even though the end of video actually shows he used ANOTHER camera to take a time lapse video of his camera taking the time lapse video for verification! It's amazing the amount of hate and anger by flat earthers in the comments section, who accuse the photographer of faking the video over and over, but provide zero evidence that he did.

However, This Page on Metabunk adds the video above and many other time lapse videos from 24 webcams in the Antarctic, and goes into great detail to debunk the claims that these are faked. Basically, the argument from flat earthers is that the watchers of these videos cannot be 100% sure that they are not faked, and somehow that is proof that they ARE faked! No evidence required. Their bias confirmation is such that they seem to honestly believe that the fact that these videos exist is proof they are faked! Circular logic anyone?

So, since this is a discussion of science, the next question would be what evidence do we have of a 24 hour sun in Antarctica. Well, just a few minutes of research shows that hundreds of studies have been done on the effects of 24 hour sunlight and 24 hour darkness in Antarctica. Here are just a few:

Plasma melatonin in the Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) under continuous daylight in Antarctica- the study reads, "Although daylight is continuous during the Antarctic summer there was a marked daily cycle of light intensity"
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in clinically healthy subjects adapted to living in Antarctica- the study reads, " In addition, they were seen to show the BP and HR circadian rhythms to be perfectly synchronized to the 24-h cycle, despite the permanent solar light..."
Human seasonal and circadian studies in Antarctica (Halley, 75°S)- and states, "At the British Antarctic Survey base of Halley, 75°S, the sun does not rise for 110d in the winter and does not set for 100d in summer."
Longitudinal study on circadian rhythms of plasma hormone levels during Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science 61(1): 121-133- and it reads, "Monthly mean plasma aldosterone level increased markedly in July, dark winter month and also in December, the month of midnight sun in Antarctica.
I could literally go on and on showing the different studies that confirm this 24 hour sunlight and darkness phenomenon in the south pole that are perfectly symmetric to the north pole. But I would bore you with the length of the list, so I'll stop at just those few studies done by different research teams, and even from different countries. According to flat earthers, these are simply all lies and made up to simply hide the flat earth from us.

They will not concede that any study is correct... and quite literally reject ALL scientific studies claiming that all scientists are just in on the conspiracy and are paid to fake these studies (unless one happens to have something they latch onto as 'evidence' of a flat earth. In that case, science is good!). Really, I could not make this up. If you cited 1000 studies on any particular subject, they will simply dismiss them with a laugh, tell you that you are brainwashed, and probably post a meme such as this one with no supporting evidence of how or why the study is wrong or faked. They just make blanket statements that outright reject anything that contradicts their belief system.

The Globe Model Explains this Perfectly
However, the globe model explains this phenomenon perfectly. It is not for nothing that the current scientific consensus is overwhelmingly on the side of the sphere model and not the flat earth model. Here is a depiction of the Sphere Earth Explanation for 24 Polar Sunlight.

Now, which of these makes more sense to you?

Complete denial of a phenomenon that has been soundly proven to exist
This hand drawn key on a Globe Projection Map from the 1890's that requires the sun to have an oblong-shaped hole in it that we do not see in reality and that no flat earther in the over 100 years since it was created has made an actual 3d model of in over 100 years

A fully formed 3d model that has been tested and honed for hundreds of years by scientists and researchers, that is undistorted, that GPS coordinates and Google maps that tens of thousands of people use everyday is based on, and that you can test with a toy globe and a flashlight to see if the model works properly?

Flat earthers COULD just go there on one of the dozens of cruises and adventure tours that go there and find out for themselves what the sun is like in Antarctica on the longest days of the year in the southern hemipshere summer. But flat earthers, despite claiming that they want 'real science' and that everything should be observed to be proven, that they do not seem actually willing to do anything that would prove their contentions incorrect. They claim to be scientists, but will only believe or take as evidence that which confirms their bias.

Hitler's Frozen Base
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.
- Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970
A wise man ... proportions his belief to the evidence - David Hume, 1711-1776

In the late 1930's, the Nazi's showed an interest in Antarctica and sent a expedition to survey a part of it and claim it for Germany, the claim was not continued but it sowed the seeds for a whole range of fantasies about secret things that might be going on.

What really did happen?


A little known German expedition to Antarctica from the 17th of December 1938 to the 12th of April 1939 on the ship MS Schwabenland had the purpose of claiming an area now known as Dronning Maud Land mainly to protect the German whaling industry. This area however had been previously explored by Norway and was formally claimed by the Norwegians in January 1939 after the Germans had set sail. The Schwabenland was equipped with a steam catapult and two Dornier Wal flying boats which were used to photographically survey 600,000 square kilometres. About a dozen aluminium flags were dropped from the aircraft at turning points of flight polygons and others were left by foot expeditions, none of these have ever been recovered. The land surveyed was claimed by Germany in August 1939 as "Neuschwabenland" named from the ship. The outbreak of war prevented two further planned expeditions and the possible building of a base, though most probably to the other side of Antarctica in the Pacific sector away from the Norwegian claim, the claim was abandoned in 1945.

There is no evidence of any further German activity in Antarctica during World War 2. U-530 and U-977
On the morning of the 10th of July 1945, the German U-boat U-530 arrived at the Argentine naval base at Mar del Plata near Buenos Aires, two months after the German surrender and the end of the war in Europe on the 8th of May 1945.

Rumours spread that it had brought Hitler, Eva Braun, Martin Bormann and others and had landed them on the coast of Patagonia or Antarctica before reaching Mar del Plata. A week later a Hungarian exile in Argentina, Ladislas Szabo wrote a detailed account in a local newspaper of how Hitler and his entourage had supposedly escaped Germany. The story quickly spread worldwide and versions of it appeared in other newspapers in many countries. On the 17th of August, another U boat, U-977 also arrived at Mar del Plata, further fuelling speculation.

The commanders of these U-boats and their crews were arrested and interrogated by naval personnel from Argentina, the USA and the UK, they all concluded that the arrivals were innocuous and the crews were released.

Two years later in 1947, Szabo published a book "Hitler is Alive" where he claimed these two U-boats had taken fleeing senior Nazis to Antarctica as part of a submarine convoy, the commander of U-977 in particular, Heinz Schaeffer denied this but the rumour still spread. In another version of the story, it is Hitler's ashes that were taken to Antarctica and placed in a special ice-cave along with Nazi treasure.

Szabo claimed a Nazi Antarctic base called "New Berchetesgaden" had been built in 1938-39, this idea has been taken up by several authors over the years often building on earlier embellishments with tales becoming ever more fantastical as time went on.

The submarine convoy and the "New Berchetesgaden" base both first appear when described by Szabo, there is no reference to either before his publications, subsequent publications refer to what he initially described and there has never been any evidence of either.

Secret British Wartime operations

While the Germans were not active in Antarctica during the war, the British were. Great Britain had claimed the sector of Antarctica between 20°W and 80°W and to the South Pole in 1908, Argentina claimed pretty much the same section from the mid 1920's and so did Chile in 1940, Argentina and Chile were both friendly with Germany.

From February 1944 Great Britain occupied the region of their claim to rebut the competing claims from Argentina and Chile under the guise of obtaining information about German shipping raiders and U-boats in the region. A number of permanently manned bases were established to this end each with a handful of personnel under Operation Tabarin. Much scientific data was collected during this time and after the war, work continued as the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey which later became the British Antarctic Survey.

Operations Highjump and Windmill

Operation Highjump 1946-47 and Operation Windmill 1947-48 (the Antarctic summer seasons) were United States Navy operations with Highjump being the largest ever group to go to Antarctica consisting of 4,700 men, 13 ships and 33 aircraft. The main purpose was to prepare for and practice techniques for cold weather warfare in polar conditions while being diplomatically far away from the Arctic and Russia. It was primarily a military exercise with a number of other important objectives such as establishing a research station, investigating further potential base sites, extending the sovereignty of the Unites States to an extensive region of the continent, and surveying the electromagnetic, geological, hydrographical and other scientifically important aspects of the physical environment.

Operation Windmill was a follow-up much smaller exercise the following year, an important part of which was to obtain ground references for the 70,000 aerial photographs taken during Highjump the previous year. Helicopters were used extensively, hence the name Windmill being given to the operation.

Nuclear Explosions

In August and September 1958, three nuclear explosions were detonated by the United States as part of Operation Argus over the South Atlantic between 38.5° and 49.5° south between 2,280 and 3,500km north of Antarctica to the southwest of South Africa. These were high altitude bursts and as might be expected at the time at the height of the Cold War were shrouded in secrecy, though they were reported soon afterwards in 1961.

Contortions of the Truth and Invented Narratives

As we have seen above, the evidence-free stories about a Nazi Base in Antarctica began within a week of a submarine turning up somewhere unexpected shortly after the Nazi surrender in 1945. The items I outline above are factual, though they have been used repeatedly as a scaffold to support all manner of fantasies that may or may not fit together.

There are a number of narratives from several authors which follow similar patterns with some variations. The basic story is that a German base in Antarctica was established just before the war by the Schwabenland, this was expanded during the war being regularly supplied by submarine deliveries, it was used to develop sophisticated secret weapons. This base was spied on by the British who attempted unsuccessfully to destroy it in an SAS raid in 1945. Operation Highjump was sent to attack the base, though they were repulsed by secret weapons (flying saucers are often mentioned), then eventually the base was destroyed by nuclear bombs in 1958. By the time of its eventual destruction the base is often described as being populated by hundreds or even thousands of people and defended by a range of sophisticated weaponry including the flying saucers. Of course all of the stories claim that there has been suppression of facts and evidence by the British, Americans and anyone else you care to name, the lack of evidence is therefore presented implicitly as evidence.

While a lack of evidence makes something much less likely, the absence of evidence is not the same as the evidence of absence. What follows is a short account of why the claims of a secret Nazi base are not only baseless (did you see what I did there?) but ridiculous. For a more in depth explanation and discussion, see: Summerhayes and Beeching, (2007) Polar Record 43 (224): 1-21. Hitler's Antarctic Base: The Myth and the Reality download here

The Secret Nazi Antarctic Base

Different authors claim different building times and locations of the supposed Nazi base, sometimes it is described as being in a warm ice-free oasis with lakes, sometimes pictures of other areas are misrepresented or just plain faked.

While there are ice-free or relatively ice-free areas in Antarctica, they are not warm, the lack of ice is due to the prevailing winds and low snow deposition, not melting.

The supposed warm ice-free caves under the ice/ground and source of geothermal energy to supply the base do not exist in Dronning-Maud Land, while there is geothermal and even volcanic activity in other parts of Antarctica, this area is particularly geothermally quiet.

Time and logistics. The base described as first built in 1939 is usually described as being about 250km inland across a previously unexplored and unmapped, crevassed and sloping ice shelf. The ship Schwabenland was in the area for about a month. Previous Antarctic bases that had been established by Scott, Shackleton, Amundsen and others took at least two weeks to construct the base buildings. The Germans were inexperienced in such things and transport across 250km of uncharted ice field would have been difficult and time consuming even for the experienced. The Dornier aircraft had a payload equivalent of about 10 people and being flying boats were unable to land and take off safely on a glacier or ice cap so could not have been used for transport. There was simply not enough time or the resources to build a base so far inland in such a short space of time even to house just a dozen or so men as had happened previously let alone the hundreds imagined by authors who described the base.

There have now been well over 1,000 scientists who have visited the area of Newschwabenland, several scientific bases have been established there since the 1950's, the whole area has been mapped by satellite and considerable air traffic has criss-crossed the area, none of this has led to the reporting of even the slightest evidence of a wartime Nazi base. As it was supposedly built in an ice-free oasis, it would not have been buried by snow.

British Operation Tabarin

There is a claim that the British set up a base called Maudheim-1 (there are no records) in Dronning Maud Land during the war to observe the apparent Nazi base, this was supposedly attacked by the Nazis in July 1945 followed by SAS led (failed) retaliatory attacks from October to December that year.

While Operation Tabarin was a military led wartime mission and secret at the time, all records are in the public domain and no base was ever built in Dronning Maud Land, which as it is in the Norwegian claimed sector is as expected. The main purpose of Operation Tabarin was to establish a British scientific presence in the British claimed sector where all of the wartime bases were built. These bases were all tiny with a compliment of between 4 and 9 men.

There was no SAS presence in Antarctica during the war. There were three de-mobbed ex-SAS men in the Falkland Islands in 1945-46 after the war who became involved in the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey, the civilian development of Operation Tabarin seeing the possibility for a civilian adventure in Antarctica. The SAS had been disbanded in October 1945 and would not be reformed until 1948.

A number of bases were established in and around the Antarctic Peninsula area from February 1944, each was very small and they were frequently visited by shipping during the summer months with personnel being changed over or moved to other locations. They would also often be closed down and another opened as more or less advantageous places to build a base were discovered by trial and error. This perfectly normal and explicable behaviour has been suggested as being somehow significant or mysterious, it isn't.

U-530 and U-977

Did these U-boats visit Antarctica before turning up in Argentina two months after the end of the war in Europe?

Interrogation reports of the crews of these two submarines showed that U-530 was off New York when the news reached them of the German capitulation on the 8th of May 1945, while U-977 was off the coast of Norway. U-977 put 16 men ashore who chose to go near Bergen, and then the rest of the crew (now reduced from the normal number) made their way to German-friendly Argentina. Both boats had to travel quite slowly to conserve fuel, they travelled on the surface at night and below the surface during the day to avoid capture, this slowed them down further. The time taken for them to reach Argentina is exactly within the travelling time and speeds they could make during their separate journeys. Embellished claims were made that the U-530 that turned up in Argentina was in fact a much faster and larger boat than the "real" U-530, as usual without any evidence, even to the point where the supposed performance was significantly beyond any U boat in service.

June and July when the submarines were claimed to be in Antarctica are the depths of winter there. Winter storms, 24 hour darkness and a formidable skirt of seasonal sea-ice 1-2m thick before the continent is even reached prevent any shipping operating in the winter even today, let alone small 1940's submarines without any ice strengthening. Satellite data shows that this sea-ice in the Dronning-Maud Land region extends from the coast by about 500km in May and June and 1,665km in July. Then there is the presence of huge ice-bergs, the difficulties of under-ice navigation and a 250km crevasse strewn inland journey largely in the dark with winter temperatures of down to -50°C once the submarines had landed.

There is no evidence whatsoever of a convoy of submarines that these two boats were supposedly part of, going to Antarctica or elsewhere.

Operation Highjump

It is claimed by several authors with no supporting evidence that the purpose of Operation Highjump (1946-47) was to destroy the supposed Nazi base in Dronning-Maud Land.

Highjump was primarily a military rather scientific expedition, one of a number at the time designed to prepare for potential cold weather warfare in the Arctic, while being diplomatically far enough away from the Arctic and Russia. It was widely written about in the press at the time and accompanied by 11 journalists rather than being secret as was the British Operation Tabarin. Books published shortly afterwards were written by people on the expedition and an official report released later in 1947. Though classified as confidential and not made available to the general public, it was never classified as secret, there was nothing in the official report that was substantially different to the report about Operation Highjump in a National Geographic magazine issue in 1947.

Operation Highjump was centered on Little America IV, a new base that was built as part of the activities. This was on the Ross Ice Shelf on the opposite part of the continent to Dronning-Maud Land which was at the extreme limit of the planned exploration area.

The ships didn't leave the USA until late in the season, December the 2nd 1946, and arrived late to the Ross Sea after meeting a 1000km wide belt of pack ice. They unloaded supplies and materials for the Little America IV base on the 15th of January 1947 and left again as winter began to arrive on the 23rd of February 1947 to avoid damage to the ships that didn't have ice strengthening. They did not leave as claimed in some more fantastical descriptions because they were chased off by "secret weapons" or "flying saucers" from the Nazi base on the other side of the continent. A short summer season is usual in the Ross Sea region due to variable sea-ice and the relatively unpredictable advent of the Austral winter, the whole operation got off to a late start and the weather-forced early end was not unanticipated. Activities of all kinds in Antarctica are primarily dependent on the weather and sea-ice conditions rather than strict dates on the calendar. It was intended to last longer than it did, but still only weeks rather than many months as sometimes claimed.

Atom Bombs
The invented narrative says that in 1958, 3 nuclear bombs were used to destroy the Nazi base in Dronning-Maud Land. The reality is that they were high altitude test explosions for a particular purpose of potentially interfering with radar, radio and electronics of satellites and missiles. They were exploded between 2,280 and 3,500km north of Antarctica. Antarctica is a much studied environment in part because it is clean with virtually no pollution. Ice cores taken show peaks of radioactive fallout from 1950's and 60's nuclear tests thousands of km away in chronological order as they are trapped within seasonal snowfall and accumulation and so recorded. Nuclear explosions directly over Dronning-Maud Land in 1958 would show dramatic peaks of radio isotopes if they happened, no such evidence has ever been found in any ice cores taken.

1958 was part of the International Geophysical Year when there was great international co-operation to study the polar regions including the establishment of many temporary and permanent scientific bases. At this time there were Belgian, British, Japanese and Norwegian scientists living on newly established bases in the area, nuclear explosions would have been noticed and reported.

A sledge hammer to crack a nut maybe? Any sensible minded person wouldn't give the Nazi Antarctic base fantasy the time of day. The time it has taken me to write this page or for Messers. Summerhayes and Beeching to research and write their excellent paper debunking the ideas formally is arguably beyond what the effort is worth. After all, anyone who might consider such things as true is probably not going to bother reading a detailed analysis about why they can't possibly be so.

Admiral Byrd and his Trip to Antarctica and Testing the Firmament. Something is found in Antarctica, most likely the edge of the dome, then the area is shut down and kept by various countries around the world; the treaty of which has never been violated. The next event to occur is “operation fishbowl project Dominic” (1962), translated it reads fishbowl of the Lord, a very peculiar name wouldn’t you say? During this operation, both the United States and the Soviet Union launch nuke after nuke straight up into the sky. Why? Many others in the truth community believe they were testing the boundaries of the firmament. Here’s a quote from Dr. John Mack, Dept. of Defense during operation fishbowl, “Nothing has or ever will penetrate the glass dome”. If you found out you lived inside of an enclo

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