Green Lasers Over Hawaii? Laser Weapons from Boeing verified 2015?

1 year ago

#MauiFires, #LahainaFires, #GreenLasers, #LaserWeapons from #Boeing, #RFKjr, #RobertKennedyJr, #BlackRock, #Vanguard, #Sovereignty, #NewGreenDeal, #NewWorldOrder, #TheBoringCompany, #ElonMusk, #TheTwitterFiles, #HumanTrafficking

See evidence of the Green Lasers over Hawaii months before fire.
See evidence of Boeing's Laser Weapon from 2015 where an engineer states, "think of it as a welding torch from hundreds of meters away!"
Hear about Boeing's weapon system being compact and able to focus on a spot in order to damage a target.
Does this sound like the ability to have a directed energy weapon? You decide!
Hear evidence from RFKjr on BlackRock and Vanguard

If you prefer to read and skim, see my research notes here,

Find the Airships article I mentioned here,

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