This IDIOTIC Scam Fooled Everyone

1 year ago

Who was the first snake oil salesman? Why do we use the term snakeoil salesman to describe a scammer or con man? Well, the phrase "snake oil salesman" can be traced back to a shady patent medicine seller called Clark Stanley, who sold 'Clark Stanley's Snake Oil Liniment' . Clark Stanley claimed his concoction could cure almost any ailments or diseases. As a result, he made a lot of money selling it and became very wealthy. His business became so big he even had other sellers trying to imitate his product so they could cash in on the snake oil craze too. In this MagnatesMedia video, we explore the story of Clark Stanley and the business of selling snake oil, and why the term snake oil salesman has lived on, and is still use even now for get rich quick schemes and scammers / fraudsters.

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