TheDimNews LIVE: Ohio Cop Shoots Woman | Kid Kicked Out of Class for Gadsden Flag

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Late.

RonGreen1 September 1st means climate change season is over.

jbsx is it september fools day?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Wake me up when it ends

JQuickDraw Supporter It's never really over. You're either late for the last stream or early for the next one.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ friends along way sorta thing?

RonGreen1 In other news, Alaska has banned boys from girls sports. This was done so that boys in dresses wouldn't get their butts kicked by Alaskan women.

RonGreen1 Women in Alaska go bear hunting with a switch.

JQuickDraw Supporter Now if they could ban girls from the boyscouts.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Stream called off, Sexy ALex has like allergies, and Bev has a farmyard animal jammed up her vaginal passage

JQuickDraw Supporter I don't see why that would stop them. Alex, maybe.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ The ginger is currently driving her to hospital, with a very cross look on his face.

JQuickDraw Supporter I'm beginning to think Beverly isn't actually prepared for these streams, like she's just winging it.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Hey sexy bitches
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev's monk updates make me with I was gay

JQuickDraw Supporter "On the inter-tubes today, woman complains about something. People not impressed. News at 11."

Egerog Hi all
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Woman does not complain about something *BREAKING NEWS*

Egerog got a cute pic on one of my chickens i will post on discord
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no chickens or geese stuck up your vagina then?

jbsx I went to sam's and got a chicken last week. yummy

RonGreen1 Winging it. Is that a chicken joke?🤣

Egerog you discord
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ which is the chicken? both look like they love a gobble

Egerog check their feet for infection , my leghorn tail feathers never been the same since she got bumble foot
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Don't Trump On Me
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ 'other people'
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ yes he is
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ WEF is what 60's james bond films warned us about

RonGreen1 Ramaswampy is a used car salesman.

RonGreen1 It's a creampuff. It was only driven to church on Sundays by a little old lady. - Ramaswampy Used Cars
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ that alex?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ with the backpavk

jbsx some politicians say what they think. Most politicians say what they think you want to hear
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's a puerto rican alex

JQuickDraw Supporter She defaults to "just following orders" when pushed for a reason.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ it's a child, leave him alone

RonGreen1 Just following orders. The Nuremberg defense.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ abuse of power, but also, shame on the mother using her son to fight battles
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ The child suffers most and is the only innocent in the room
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I see two weak adults fighting battles using a child and making the child the casualty

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh Beverly, you sweet summer child 🫂 , thinking the administrator would be able, or would even be inclined, to cite the policy in question.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ The mom bought the backpack for her child, she is equally to blame

RonGreen1 What we need is a Boston Teachers Party. Throw the teachers into the harbor.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ war by proxy

JQuickDraw Supporter I remember year ago, a school STRIP SEARCHED a teen girl because she gave a friend Advil or something like that because he had a headache.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I'm Scottish, they searched you for drugs in school, and took inhalers?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I am actually shocked at this.

RonGreen1 You could have a drivers license at 16, but you're not responsible enough to have aspirin or an inhaler.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ don't talk shit about gen x, alex bitch
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I gen x slap you through the screen lass
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ (I'm joking)

JQuickDraw Supporter When kids are given responsibility they lash out less because they are allowed to grow into adulthood.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I know, it was a joke
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev, did your dad sell you to his reservation friends?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ what is a co2 gun?

JQuickDraw Supporter The right's attack on "groomers" recently has only exacerbated the helicoptering. People call the cops when kids are just walking alone down the street, and they parents are questioned for negligence.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ she rode the homecoming queen instead
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ children have no choice, parents buy it
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ did you ask for a politcially charged backpack your mother can virtue signal through you wearing

Egerog can't imagine how many lefty things kids his age put on their back packs and are left alone without question.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ My point is, it means nothing to children
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ means everything to the parent and teacher facing off

JQuickDraw Supporter If the parents like that stuff, he may have wanted to wear it.

JQuickDraw Supporter sorry, the school can fuck right off.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ He can't vote, he's a child

JQuickDraw Supporter voting = irrelevant
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I think because you agree with his mother you are ignoring her role in this

JQuickDraw Supporter Her role is "mother." That means she SHOULD TEACH HIM things that she considers important.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ She mentioned the ginger, shot time everyone

JQuickDraw Supporter A white reservation is called a trailer park.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ alex, stop
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ straw man, I never said that
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ FOUL
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I'm throwing a flag on the field

JQuickDraw Supporter What are you, middle eastern? Oh wait, you said "flag."

Egerog I keep a gentle touch on politics with my kids but there is so little libertarian views in the zeitgeist a have to put that view point to them. and they undestand that is mine

RonGreen1 Every child needs a Gadsden flag mom.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ no really, alex went on a certain angle, but it wasn't one I was on

Egerog my kids get mad when i call it Road Block

JQuickDraw Supporter We're moving in that direction as a society sadly. Bartenders are often held responsible for people getting drunk and driving. The far left likes to blame society, not the perpetrators of crimes.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Alex, I thought of a better way to say what I meant, I see her child wearing the snakey badge no different from a mother in the late 1960s sewing a peace symbol on her daughters backpack
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ if that makes sense

AlexofAllTrades Moderator And I would have no problem with that either, Winky!

JQuickDraw Supporter There's nothing wrong with sewing a peace symbol on the backpack.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ exactky
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ but does the wearer of the backpack understand what you sewed onto them

RonGreen1 A childhood with no injuries is a full childhood.

AlexofAllTrades Moderator I don't think a kid looks good with a mohawak, but it's still the kid's right to do that and the parents' to support it.

JQuickDraw Supporter that's an issue for the parent and child, but you're vastly underestimating the intelligence of kids if you think they don't get a peace symbol.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Yes, you had opinions, and maybe onions, but did you pin them on your child?

RonGreen1 I support the peace of pie symbol.🥧

AlexofAllTrades Moderator I also think a peace symbol is stupid.

JQuickDraw Supporter It's a parent's job to communicate to their kids what they think is important in life, and also to think critically so the kids can develop their own ideas.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the symbol is not relevent, it's not the child's view

JQuickDraw Supporter You don't know that. It's an unfounded statement.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ what, no children have thoughts and they are their own
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I never said that
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ my eldest nephew, when aged 10, told me he was going to marry his pet rabbit.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ They have thoughts, but we let them work through them and don't bring them up again

JQuickDraw Supporter So maybe he wanted a picture of his future spouse on his backpack 🙂
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ so he likes snakes...his mother knows what it means to others though
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ and I always relied on my parents to say no, stop there, that is wrong

JQuickDraw Supporter You keep assuming what the kid knows to make your argument work. You sound like Sam Harris.

Egerog thanks for getting that song in my head
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ the kid knows nothing
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I was a kid once

JQuickDraw Supporter still assuming...
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ we thought a lot, but we knew fuck all

JQuickDraw Supporter Maybe now's a good time for me to admit that I wasn't a child. I was created from midichlorians by a sith lord.

RonGreen1 Attorneys created the blame game for every incident.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you were a fart that turned shart JQD

Guyinroom83 I was created via clone tech, and based on my ancestors who died at exactly my age I am now. (Stolen from the show foundation on apple)

JQuickDraw Supporter I just realized, my first two initials are "JQ" hmmm

JQuickDraw Supporter By the way, I started as a shart. Stop underestimating me.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Never follow rules, they are made by squares

Guyinroom83 Hi, I keep forgetting you guys are on fridays now

Guyinroom83 I started as a hemorrhoid
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ I started as a sperm

JQuickDraw Supporter A hemorrhoid is a shitty robot.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ what
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ you transition children?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ chap door run

Guyinroom83 Not a joke, that was also called 'n***er knocking" when I was a kid

JQuickDraw Supporter Back in the olden days, we called such hooliganism "visitation vexation."

RonGreen1 Federal civil rights lawsuit incoming. This will be a slam dunk.

JQuickDraw Supporter oh gosh, a bowtie

RonGreen1 Ban qualified immunity.

JQuickDraw Supporter for cops and big pharma

jbsx Gee, they have the body cam vid so they should know if it was a beat down, and they suspended the dude

JQuickDraw Supporter it's alleged, but if I was a betting man...

JQuickDraw Supporter If it was the cop, at least the kid saved the wife from a beating for one afternoon. too dark?

RonGreen1 You're supposed to fill a paper bag with dog poop and light it on fire, before ringing the doorbell.

RonGreen1 Contempt of cop is a capital crime.

Guyinroom83 Kids should be beat for any reason.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Juryrig....

Guyinroom83 Ching Chong ditch?

JQuickDraw Supporter The cop could have found the kids and talked to them, maybe bring them home and talk to the mother. That's about it.

Guyinroom83 That's when an Asian kid does it. He also says 'ten minute!!' When running away
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ WILD BOYS

jbsx kids will be asholes

Guyinroom83 Exactly. My teacher friend says the parents never discipline their kids now and always yell at the teachers instead
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ WILD BOYS
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ *CLAPS*

RonGreen1 Playing cowboys and aliens.😂 I must have lived a sheltered life as a child.

RonGreen1 Is cowboys and aliens a border town game?

JQuickDraw Supporter cowboys and cartel

RonGreen1 In Alaska, we played cowboys and Eskimo's.

JQuickDraw Supporter those cowboys really get around

Guyinroom83 I don't mind Ching Chong ditch bc they always leave a fortune cookie at the door each time

Guyinroom83 Lol yeah, sometimes they are just dumb like inspirational quotes

RonGreen1 Alaska cowboys ride dogsleds.

JQuickDraw Supporter Chris Chan fortune cookie - you will have sex with your grandma

RonGreen1 How tall was Shakespeare?
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ rumbles allows all
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ How long were her nails? I'd shoot her for having those weird talon nails

RonGreen1 Did the cops handcuff her after shooting her?

JQuickDraw Supporter can't be too careful
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ childbirth sends you to the hospital

JQuickDraw Supporter "She was an old soul, a caring loving mother, a quiet person who loved everyone and fed the poor and worked diligently every weekend to achieve world peace."

RonGreen1 Contempt of cop is a capital crime.

RonGreen1 Was any stolen merchandise found in the car?

RonGreen1 Is there really any difference between the police and the IRS?

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly just stumbled on to one of the real reasons for cops to exist. They're code enforcers and revenue collectors. Courts have repeatedly ruled that they do not an any obligation to protect you.

RonGreen1 Long Island Audit is a good one for cop watching.

RonGreen1 Bay Area Transparency is another good one.

JQuickDraw Supporter Police care about enforcement first and money second, the IRS cares about money first.

RonGreen1 Using civil asset forfeiture to seize cash from motorists for simple traffic violations is now a standard police tactic.

RonGreen1 A city in Texas has 50 cops for a town of 250. Their ticket revenue is the highest in the state.
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ even sheriff roscoe p coultraine
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ elected police is alien to me

RonGreen1 King County WA sheriff is appointed by the county council.

JQuickDraw Supporter Just let Boss Hog choose'em.

JQuickDraw Supporter Arpeio

RonGreen1 Joe Arpaio was a retired DEA agent before becoming sheriff.

JQuickDraw Supporter Didn't he make prisoners wear pink dresses?

RonGreen1 Pink underwear and green bologna. Arpaio was a colorful character.😂
WinkyWankyWoo SubSupporter+ Bev, does your teepee have an elected official to represent it?

JQuickDraw Supporter The American model for politicians was that it WOULDN'T be a career. Serve in congress, as a mayor, whatever, then go back to private life and whatever you were before serving.

Guyinroom83 I heard Beverly is rooting for the Hawaii fires to keep going, fyi

RonGreen1 People in the upper levels of government start to believe they are royalty.

Guyinroom83 My friend pointed out how the lady pretends he just didn't hear the question at first

Guyinroom83 'please speak up'

RonGreen1 Mitch McConnell can now have his own Easter egg hunts. He can hide them and go look for them later.

JQuickDraw Supporter They should place their ear to his mouth, then answer for him like Grima Wormtongue and Theoden.

Guyinroom83 Honestly imo, we're not the king anymore with the brics stuff and Biden, and our credit rating lowered etc

Guyinroom83 please knock on wood alex!

Guyinroom83 David hogg has to be a CIA plant

RonGreen1 Gen Z can't even define what a woman is.

Guyinroom83 Napoleon is 7'12"

JQuickDraw Supporter Anytime you want to blame a certain generation for its shortcomings, remember that they were raised by a previous generation.

RonGreen1 Those are tribal police. They don't care about looney left bs.

JQuickDraw Supporter I love this

JQuickDraw Supporter She chained herself by the neck to their metal rig, then screamed when the police moved it.

RonGreen1 Tribal police don't want that paleface nonsense on their land.

RonGreen1 The tribal police should stake them out under the sun, just like in the western movies.😂

Guyinroom83 You mean woman.

Guyinroom83 Real, real woman.

Guyinroom83 I gotta say, Eminem is a fearless, badass rebel for going anti trump.

RonGreen1 Rap and music should never be used in the same sentence.

JQuickDraw Supporter rap songs about females dogs and gardening tools? very strange

Guyinroom83 I've been trying to separate art from artists.. I honestly couldn't for a while bc of covid though.

Guyinroom83 The pro lockdown and vax stuff was too much. I actually didn't watch movies and shows at all for a while bc of it

RonGreen1 Shakespeare sonnets are the holy grail of poetry.

RonGreen1 The sound of the words and how they flow is a factor for good writing.

RonGreen1 Laura Loomer is the most blocked person in America.

RonGreen1 I like to mail postcards to people. Just to stay in touch.

RonGreen1 And I write them in longhand.

RonGreen1 Pramila needs to take that lemon out of her mouth.

Guyinroom83 My daughter was shocked when I told her people used to just know how to get home without Google maps

Guyinroom83 beverly has an elijah schafer crush confirmed

RonGreen1 I should change my name to Ron Periwinkle.

JQuickDraw Supporter maps programs serve a purpose. I trust them far more than people when trying to find a new place I've never been before. people suck at giving directions.

Guyinroom83 i could'nt take a girls last name though. haven't some guys done that

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly needs a guy's last name to be something like Von Barrington III

JQuickDraw Supporter maps programs are better at larger roads, but when you get really close to the location, they may not have all local roads in their database.

RonGreen1 Doesn't anybody use a map and a piece of string to measure miles?

Guyinroom83 I never said I don't use map programs. I do everyday but I'm in a city also

Guyinroom83 Maybe couples could just invent a new last name also

JQuickDraw Supporter that would suck for future genealogical researchers. they need some sort of progression of handing down names.

JQuickDraw Supporter maybe just keep appending the partner's last name for each person in a couple, and keep adding those surnames each generation. "Hi, my name is Johnny Smith-Thompson-Reedy-Green-Perez-Hilton."

RonGreen1 Biden bought his Corvette from Strom Thurmond.

Guyinroom83 Biden told Lincoln to do the end slavery thing

JQuickDraw Supporter How would one "figuratively" talk someone into doing something?

Guyinroom83 Couples should each have an owner, and slave. I agree

RonGreen1 Biden told Washington to cross the Delaware.

JQuickDraw Supporter How about a new buddy adventure series - Joey the Shark and Cornpop, private dicks, solving crimes and policing the swimming pool.

Guyinroom83 It's so hard to keep up with how often he makes a messy poo in his pants

Guyinroom83 And he always has to wee wee ugh!

RonGreen1 Biden uses the short stairs on the plane, now.

JQuickDraw Supporter They should have Joe walk around in an adult size version of those toddler bouncy chairs, with straps attached to the ceiling.

RonGreen1 Chuck Norris was once pulled over by a cop. He let the cop go with a warning.

JQuickDraw Supporter wow Chuck Norris, haven't heard one of those in a while

JQuickDraw Supporter When Chuck Norris left for college, he told his father, "You're the man of the house now."

RonGreen1 When Chuck Norris was born, he slapped the doctor.

JQuickDraw Supporter Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups. He pushes the earth down.

Guyinroom83 Can I sue for being circumcised?? 🤔

Guyinroom83 $$$$

Guyinroom83 I had my appendix taken out

Guyinroom83 Now my psychic powers are gone

Guyinroom83 It happened to me around 22-24

Guyinroom83 I'm special.

JQuickDraw Supporter Sounds like the appendix is a defensive appendage. If you're being attacked, throw it at the attacker and the poison will blind him when it bursts.

Guyinroom83 Bret weinstein and his wife in their book say the appendix was likely used to help people deal with bad water or food, in older civilizations when we ate more strange food and water.

Guyinroom83 Yeah exactly alex

Guyinroom83 That's what they said also

Guyinroom83 Just take it out already Erl. You know you want to

JQuickDraw Supporter Holy shit, why would we lose that evolutionarily. That is such an advantage. We don't eat raw meat, but it helps generally with all foods.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, you could get a 2-fer in the hospital, give birth and get your appendix out in one weekend.

Guyinroom83 We better have one less appendix having Beverly on the next stream

JQuickDraw Supporter Okay that is really good.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User

RonGreen1 Gnite all 👋 have a great weekend

JQuickDraw Supporter Thurston Howell accent, nice

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Labor Pains Weekend

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User YES!

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Thurston Howell!

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User I didn't think of that!!!

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User That's totally who I was unintentionally thinking of.

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Labor Pains. XD

JQuickDraw Supporter I feel like we need a stream of you doing voices that people suggest

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User I will attempt them!

JQuickDraw Supporter 👍️

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