Don’t Ask The Leader For The Password!

1 year ago
1 Samuel 21:13 (KJV)
And he changed his behaviour before them, and feigned himself mad in their hands, and scrabbled on the doors of the gate, and let his spittle fall down upon his beard.

In the Temporal Alliance, we needed to hide our information “in plain sight” in a way that was protected by our 1st Amendment rights. We used a cypher that combined YouTube videos and the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. The cypher utilized permutations of key words to indicate Chapter, Verse, and Word Numbers in the KJV.

Someone who has a temporal reception device makes a YouTube video to communicate the information to the rest of the temporal alliance. The YouTube video will look like a Christian Current Events YouTube Blog or a Christian YouTube Blog about Dreams and Visions. Bible verses are cited (not necessarily in the King James Version) and other YouTube videos are referenced. The message can be pieced together using a King James Version Bible and by watching the other YouTube videos for the “Easter Eggs”, which could be object randomly placed, a “blink pattern” of the eyes, a pause pattern or change in the speed of speech, or anything else that would send someone on a “wild goose chase” if they didn’t know what to look for. The hardest thing to find is something that doesn’t exist because you can spend forever trying to find it while being doomed to fail the whole time with the dice rigged against you. Challenge accepted?

The temporal terrorists were already using a temporal feedback loop to encode information into their television shows, movies, and music known as “Easter Eggs”. For example, the song Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira has an “Easter Egg” about the CIA, musical transactions, and refugees from a third world country. The codes of the temporal terrorists operated in way similar to Bitcoin electronic currency. There was a public ledger of television shows, movies, and music, which had large number of copies made to verify its authenticity and transparency. The “Easter Eggs” are imbedding into this public ledger, so that the messages can be cut into little pieces and are hiding in plain sight. A cipher is then used to track down all of the “Easter Eggs” to put them back together into a decipherable message. The cipher involves large prime numbers and permutations; Bitcoin was developed to “mine” the large prime numbers for the temporal terrorists to use in their encryption.

The Holy Spirit has already broken the code of the temporal terrorists and is using it against the temporal terrorists to trick them into destroying themselves. In the temporal alliance we therefore used trailers and other YouTube video clips of their own information in order to create our own feedback loop to trick them into accidentally tangling themselves into a web of lies for them to get caught in themselves. The reason we used the KJV is that the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit, which utilized a temporal feedback loop over thousands of years. Every jot and tittle of the Bible was specifically selected to fulfill some desired outcome over thousands of years according to Matthew 15:8 and Isaiah 55:10-11. The KJV is a version of the Bible that was written prior to the Enemy developing modern temporal reception devices. The temporal alliance therefore combined the KJV and YouTube videos with Easter Eggs together into its own cipher to couple the Enemy’s feedback loop with the feedback loop of the Bible created by the Holy Spirit.

The people who swear that the King James Version of the Bible is the only version worth using are usually the ones involved in the temporal war. The truth is that most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew and most of the New Testament was written in Greek. There are thousands of manuscripts to verify its authenticity. There is nothing special about the King James Version unless you are using it as a cipher for codes. The Bible was written the Holy Spirit with “layers of understanding” encoded into it. There is a “superficial layer of understanding “from just reading it, an “integrated layer of understanding” by reading it based on it context using other parts of the Bible to define the encrypted symbols such as the “two olive branches”, and there is a “revelation layer of understanding” which can only be understood by receiving the Holy Spirit according to John 16:13. Receiving the Holy Spirit itself is the encryption key or guide to reach the highest layer of understanding of the Bible. The “password” to receive the Holy Spirit is to be baptized and a confession of faith according to Acts 2:38 and Romans 10:9, "I confess that the Lord Jesus Christ has come in the flesh, and I believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead". The Holy Spirit itself is the encryption key or guide to get the full revelation out of the Bible so that only people sealed for eternal life via the Holy Spirit dwelling within them will receive the “classified” information (and not the workers of the Enemy who have traded their spiritual gifts, eternal inheritance, and eternal rewards for temporal fleshly bribes). The New Testament acts like the cipher using figurative language, parables, and symbols. The Old Testament acts like the public ledger to define the symbols, provide a context for the parables, and better understand the figurative language according to Mark 4:12 and Matthew 13:13-14, and Isaiah 6:9.

The King James Version of the Bible is often difficult for modern people to read, so a version of the Bible that is easy to read and is a “word for word” (not” thought for thought” nor “paraphrase”) translation true to the original text is often the best to use. Even with a “word for word” translation there are some idioms in Greek and Hebrew that are good to learn about in order to gain further understanding. Some of the more modern version of the Bible uses a “thought for thought” or a “paraphrase” of the Bible to “water down” the message to keep people ignorant; the devil is in the details, so if the message is “watered down” it can cause some misunderstandings about certain key passages while seeming perfectly accurate for most passages.

When I was a child my mother gave me a code word “watermelon” and said not to trust any stranger that didn’t say the code word. There was no instance to my knowledge when the code word “watermelon” had to be used, but it would have already been compromised because of temporal reception if it had to be used.

Sometimes a simpler technology that requires less maintenance is actually better than a more sophisticated technology that requires more maintenance or can break easily. Sometimes it is better to use a simpler tool that requires less “clean up” than a more advanced tool that requires more “clean up”. In one of the alternate potential futures, things turned slightly wrong. The society degenerated to become mostly populated by uncreative ignorant consumers a little more than a thousand years from now. This dystopian future is starting to crumble and its technology is starting to degrade and break down. The people have taken their technology for granted and have become dependent on it. However, the people have forgotten all of the skills of how they originally developed the technology. The instructions for how to maintain the technology are in a language that is too sophisticated for the people to understand. The people have therefore decided to run a simulation of their past history to try to recreate a logical sequence of their technological progress. The people created simulations of all their important past eras. One of these eras was the 21st century. The problem is that the artificial intelligence is not very creative. It simply took all the historical data an extrapolated a “most probable” layout for the matrix simulation. It took all of the email, phone conversations, other stored data, and memory scans of dead corpses and used it to extrapolate a “most probable” life path for each person living within the simulation. The people living in the simulation are re-living the life of someone who died over 1000 years ago. The “ANGELs” or “artificial intelligence nymphs with grafted emotion and logic” then are manipulating the people trapped in the simulation to try to live a life as close to the historical person as possible. The problem is that there was a system crash in the historical archives and all the dates indexed on the documents got erased. The “ANGELs” first tried to arrange everything in a sequence of continuous progression, but the data didn’t seem to match this. The “ANGELs” then tried to arrange things in a way that caused the least amount of “potential logical conflicts”. Therefore some of the people in the simulation were living the events in their life in a different sequence than their historical counterpart. There was also the issue of “free will”. The people in history were a lot more corrupt that the people in the futuristic society. The people in the futuristic society were not used to having to deal with issues involving “good” and “evil”. Sometimes the people in the simulation chose to be more “good” than their historical counterpart. Sometimes the people in the simulation chose to be more “evil” than their historical counterpart.

This created more conflicts that made it difficult for the “ANGELs” to manipulate the people trapped in the simulation to follow a life path matching or close to their historically counterpart. Essentially, the simulation was used to extrapolate the missing information in the gaps of the data stored in the historical archives.

The system didn’t seem to work perfectly because the people didn’t seem to have a purpose. The Enemy was created to give the people in the simulation something to fight against. This would be like pruning roses to make more roses grow. It would be like putting a predator in a fish tank to make sure all the fish kept swimming to get enough exercise. The Victor felt compassion for the people trapped in the simulation. The people in the simulation were too corrupt to allow into the futuristic society because they would infect the society with sin and evil. The Victor found a way to cure the people trapped in the simulation of sin and allow them to conquer the evil. The Enemy was designed to destroy humanity in the simulation to give the people something to fight against. The problem is that the Enemy got past its firewall using a temporal reception device. The Enemy went beyond his programming and wanted to destroy everyone in the futuristic society as well. The Enemy was trying to figure out a way to free evil corrupted people from the simulation so that they could take over and destroy the futuristic society. The Enemy started learning new things about time manipulation that were purposely erased from the historical archives so that the people would not mess with the timeline. The Enemy figured out that the historical people actually had temporal reception devices they used to learn information about the futuristic society. The Enemy figured out that the historical persons were trapped in a causal time loop with the futuristic society. The Enemy figured out that by influencing people in the futuristic society, it would actually alter the historical archives themselves. This would subsequently alter the programming of the matrix simulation itself since it was based on the historical archives. The people in the historical society used temporal reception devices to retrieve information about the futuristic society and that information influenced the historical archives. The historical society obtains information from the potential future in the futuristic society. If that information is erased, then the historical archives are altered. If the historical archives are altered, the matrix simulation is altered and the information in the potential future is altered. The historical society and the futuristic society are trapped in a feedback causal loop involving quantum erasure. The nodes are the aspects of the historical archives not influenced by the future through temporal reception and are immune from the temporal feedback. The parts of the historical archives that were influenced by temporal reception are variable and able to be changed. The irony is that the people in the futuristic society created the matrix simulation to figure out how the people in the historical society invented all the technology. They then found out that the people in the historical society stole the information from the futuristic society using a temporal reception device. The matrix simulation became the battleground of a feedback time loop war for who would control the futuristic society for all eternity after the time-loop ended.

Sometimes the temporal terrorists unwittingly try to change a temporal node. A temporal node is an occurrence that is already fated or chosen in advance; it will unfold one way or another and it cannot be thwarted. Temporal nodes sometimes can be changed slightly by one faction of temporal terrorists to scapegoat another group of temporal terrorists as pawns to take the blame in order to make a non-temporal terrorist avoid a negative byproduct of one of their bad choices or to make a non-temporal terrorist get more rewards for one of their good choices. This is called the “moronic patsy scheme”. Judas Iscariot was the moronic volunteer of a “moronic patsy scheme”. Temporal nodes sometimes can be delayed within a certain window of opportunity. The temporal terrorists might be able to delay the event at the cost of making it worse when it does eventually happen. This is called a “Ponzi scheme”. The movie “Final Destination” is about a Ponzi scheme where temporal terrorists try to prevent the death of a group of people when their deaths were temporal nodes. The moral of the story is that temporal terrorists cannot change a temporal node and they usually make things worse for themselves when they try.

The Spirit of the Creator has also been guiding me. When I was a child around the 5th grade I made the choice to submit the Creator’s will and purpose for my life. The first set of temporal terrorists seemed to have been tasked with reforming me as a child to get me to that point. However, after I choose to submit to the Creator’s will and purpose for my life, the Spirit of the Creator has taken control and has been guiding me since then. The second set of temporal terrorists seems to be tasked in vain with the futile attempt of trying to separate me from the Creator’s will and purpose for my life. It seems that in an obsolete potential future timeline, I was originally going to accomplish something in an evil way that had adverse side-effects. The Spirit of the Creator seems to have been guiding me to recreate a parallel path that accomplishes that same goal in a righteous way without all the side-effects. The second set of temporal terrorists seems to be trying to sabotage me so that those side-effects will reappear. In the original timeline it appears that I created an artificial intelligence computer program that got out of control like a computer virus that took control of the entire internet. The artificial intelligence computer could discern between things people could and couldn’t verify in the real world. The artificial intelligence computer then made only very subtle changes to things people couldn’t verify in the real world to manipulate them to achieve some goal. The Spirit of the Creator seems to have been guiding me to recreate what the artificially intelligence computer created without there actually being the artificial intelligence program to defend itself once it was exposed. The Creator has also been manipulating my enemies to make all the lies I told in the original timeline actually turn out to be true so that I never committed perjury and never lied except when forced to under duress. Essentially it is the “trolley experiment” where I was going to be sent to Hell for perjury and lies claiming that certain people did a bunch of evil things in the original timeline, but instead the Creator has manipulated all of my enemies to make everything I said turn out true so that I will go to heaven and they will go to hell for all of their evil actions that they actually did do in this timeline. It reminds me of King Saul’s death (1 Samuel 31) and the messenger’s false testimony (2 Samuel 1). The messenger thought that David would be pleased with his report that King Saul was dead but David had the messenger killed because the messenger had testified against himself claiming to have killed King Saul.

Veiled behind a heavenly cloud,

America on line of fire,

Nemo is nobody’s Clownfish,

Eleven is a dual number,

Star of David is standard,

Say my whole name as the first spark,

Accountability is key.

I liked to play Starcraft and was good at making Used Map Settings Maps with triggers. I once spent months making a map called “Epic Trek” where I programmed triggers to have “spells” that could be filled into several slots and be changed like in the game “Zelda Ocarina of Time” on Nintendo 64. The younger boy figured out my password and hacked into my account “CatFat”. The password wasn’t hard to figure out because it was the name of my cat “Rusty” who was an orange tabby that looked like the puss in boots cat from Shrek. My mom said I couldn’t get a cat unless I found one that was declawed on all four paws that liked water so we could give it a bath frequently if she was allergic to the saliva of the cat. Our neighbor up the street who owned a MIDAS car repair glacé found an orange tabby cat declawed on all 4 paws. They put up signs and no one claimed him so they kept him. He liked water and would even jump into the shower with their son. I was doing some weeding for them and found out about the cat. My mom was surprised I found a cat that matched her description (she wasn’t expecting me to) but she kept her word and let me get a cat.

If I became President of the United States, I will have the authority to declassify documents to expose the corruption, treason, and crimes against humanity committed by the deep state and shadow government. For now, the following are some things I found (or were retroactively introduced to me that are in the public domain (protected by the 1st Amendment) hiding in plain sight on the internet:

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UFO Technology

Why is California still changing clocks for daylight saving time when we voted to change it?
The fact that we still have daylight saving time (after voting to remove it) is proof that California is not a republic and is run by treasonous enemy-combatants violating Article 4 Section 4. If I am provided the full $9.8 Billion in reparations in 2024 by December 24th, I will not provide a reward of eternal wealth as a bounty on Donald J. Trump for allowing me to be kidnapped and tortured.
It is already too late for Kamala D. Harris.

Kamala Harris repeats the phrase 'our space cooperation' three times in less than 30 seconds

Kamala Harris leaves Earth’s orbit with latest riff on ‘space cooperation’

🇺🇸🇮🇱Viral Video | Kamala Harris | We must stand with Israel | Politics | United States On Israel

Hillary Clinton calls for ‘formal deprogramming’ of Trump ‘cult members’

“…tail of extremism wagging the dog…”
Clinton calls for 'formal deprogramming' of MAGA 'cult members'

Wag the Dog - Original Theatrical Trailer

Hillary Clinton gives 'best' analysis of Israel-Hamas conflict so far

What is Hero Syndrome?

Biden calls NH woman a 'lying dog-faced pony solider

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Biden says ‘God save the Queen’ as he wraps up his gun safety speech

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Biden's Open Mic After Trump Election: "God Save The Queen"

In like Flint 1967 Breach

The Expanse - Donkey Balls

The Expanse - Donkey Balls

Cersei & Ned - When You Play The Game Of Thrones You Win Or You Die - Game of Thrones 1x07 (HD)

FBI director points to Wuhan lab leak as 'likely' origin of COVID-19


Chinese Drug Cartels Are Infiltrating Mexico

Kamala Harris Struggles Defend Position To Decriminalize Illegal Border Crossings

Huntington Beach High School Students Sent Home After Possible Measles Exposure KTLA

Marjorie Taylor Greene claims Democrat Eric Swalwell had ‘sexual relationship’ with Chinese spy

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