THIS VIDEO WAS TAKEN DOWN BY YT. We deal with the human element of the spiritual war

1 year ago

They just removed the video…Let it be known that the people of God will be heard and we will not be silent! God will deal with this. You shall be judged and found wanting, those who struck down the Word of the Living God! Heed my warning, repent and seek Christ! Jesus said, that if we are not against Him, then we are for Him. Choose you this day who you are yoked up with, are you for Christ or against Him? Repent ye sinners, for the hour draws near when no man will be able to work or rest, and His hand will remove the restrainer and you shall reap what you have sowed. Repent citizens of Babylon while you are given the time. Accept the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, the King of Glory! The only way to the Father is through the Son!

"for the evil man has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be put out."
-Proverbs 24:20

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