Possible Culprit in the Growing Incidence of Cancer

1 year ago

He didn't expect to find this clue on his own two dogs' fur, but when he did, what he went on to uncover will alarm you about what your own dog or cat might be eating (most pets ARE fed this type of food). Find out exactly what variety of food he won't feed his dogs again...

Dr. Becker interviews Dr. Robert Turesky, a research scientist for the Division of Environmental Health Sciences at the New York State Department of Health, on his study of hair analysis to detect the presence of specific carcinogens in cooked meat.

As a test, Dr. Turesky analyzed the fur of his own dogs and much to his surprise, discovered the presence of one of the carcinogens he is researching. Since his dogs don’t eat grilled steaks or burgers, it seemed clear they were being exposed through their own processed pet food diet.

Dr. Becker discovered that including Dr. Turesky’s published study, there appear to be only two studies in existence that address the potential for carcinogenic substances in processed pet food. When we consider the fact that most dogs and cats eat commercial processed diets their entire lives, and when we also take into account the escalating incidence of cancer in pets – especially dogs – it seems this topic is deserving of more attention.

Based on Dr. Turesky’s findings on carcinogen levels in cooked poultry-based protein sources, added to what we know about the extreme processing dry pet food undergoes, it seems the worst thing you can feed your beloved dog or cat is a poultry-based kibble. As always, fresh raw, freeze-dried or air-dried meat-based diets, well-balanced, are Dr. Becker’s recommendation for healthy dogs and cats.

Article link: https://bit.ly/3R4wzxZ

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