Ep. 19 - God vs. The Multiverse / Calvinism vs. Monism A Christian Perspective

1 year ago

As a result of recent discoveries in #quantum #physics, many academics are toting the most recent theory, the #multiverse. But does the multiverse actually exist? Or is just the latest flavor of the day in intellectual circles?

It's been said by some physicists, "there can only be one, the multiverse, or #God". So it seems modern advancement has come to a crossroads. All of reality can only have one means of genesis, a creator, or chance. And we're not just talking about any old regular chance. We’re talking about infinite dimensional chance. But does it have to be one or the other? Is it possible that modern theories by physicists regrading a multiverse just trying to understand and explain a biblical concept?

In this episode, the Menaces have a little discussion where we try to understand how to with deal this latest scientific theory, but from a #Christian worldview. We're by no means experts on these topics, but they are relevant to us nevertheless. Although scientists like to pit the multiverse vs God, this might not be necessary. As we deduce, there might be a middle ground between science and religion, or at least the Christian perspective that is. Could it be that the God of the #Bible used is aware of the multiverse and even used it to create the reality we exist in?

Several theologians throughout history have given their go at explaining the tension between the foreknowledge of God and the sovereignty of God. #calvinism and #arminianism are two well known theological systems, but have you ever heard of #molinism ? Join us as we explore this complex topic together.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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