September 2022 FOMC discussion, September 22 2022 | ICT (Inner Circle Trader) Twitter Space

1 year ago

All right. So anyway, today we had fmc and as a reminder, I know a lot of you are coming in at different times finding this community and discovering who I am and wondering who the hell I am, , why am I doing all this? And it's easy to get caught up into thinking, well, you know, he's probably trading FMC today and doing the morning session and trading this and trading that. Uh, actually I wasn't, I didn't do anything this morning. FMC is a high impact news driver that you can get caught up real easy. And as I alluded to on my tweets a little while ago, before coming onto the live stream here, that in 1993 I blew out a few accounts that year. That was my second year of trading. I had just a single day event of trading in 1992, my very first, so into, uh, trading, these old 50 year old bones are cracking. And I took a few months off and then started in 1993 and came to. A shocking discovery that certain days of the month weren't that good for what I was trying to do, which was guess . So as a young 20 year old, I was baptized in the fires of manipulation and I got really interested in trying to figure out what that day was going to do. And I subscribed to all kinds of things back then. You know, I bought books, I signed up the services 900 numbers that were gonna tell you what that report was gonna do the, the night before and it never pan down. It was always a resulting blown account or major draw down or just simply never getting the fill. Early on, I didn't have any experience where it was positive trading these types of days. But I got caught up with thinking I was gonna figure it out, you know, and I wanted to try to capture all the moves, like the up the down and know exactly what was gonna happen. And years later I discovered that I didn't need to do those trading days at all. And later on, I'm talking like 10 years later, I discovered how these algorithms that are utilized in these marketplaces, how they implement certain things that I've made, you know, discussions about over the years in recent time, so we can kind of like see what it is that they do and how they behave. And it's not important for me to try to trade in the morning. I mean I can, it had a really nice fair value gap and it performed very well. And there's gonna be times where it simply does that. And that's also what caught me off guard when I was first starting how to, you know, learn how to trade and like to 19 19, 19 93, I believed that I could trade every swing high in love if I just figured out what those other guys knew. And the other guys at the time I was thinking were the people that were writing books. The same books that we're selling for $20 and $25. They were gonna give me the secrets to the marketplace, making it so accessible for a low, low price of what would cost really for two litter, bottle of soda and a large pizza from Papa John's. Now, that's not a plug for Papa John's, by the way. . Oh, he's got ads now. He's got, he's doing ads now and, and it's Twitter space. The, um, the move today, I didn't get back into a house until, good grief. It was like minute or two, right before two o'clock, my local time, New York time. And I sat down with my youngest son. I told him to watch what happens and I was expecting it to drop down, which it did. And then I told him, I said, look, it's gonna run up air and take out their other eagle highs and go back to a bearish breaker. Now he doesn't know what a breaker is, and I didn't have the time to point to it, but if you look at your five minute chart, you'll see that the rally up, it went right into that bears breaker.

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