1 year ago

U B Ready
PO Box 579
Rutland, VT 05702

U B Ready



Jeremiah 7:8-11
8  Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit.
9  Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;
10  And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? 
11  Is this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes?  Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD.

My son, I have seen those who come into My house and raise hands to Me, yet they are full of sin.  They eat bread in communion unjustly and bring upon themselves death.  Why have they not turned from their wicked ways?  The people are stiff-necked and stubborn, quick to run to sin, yet slow to run to repentance.  My children have gotten lazy, not reading My Word, but allowing men to read and teach their version to them.

My son, My HOUSE IS POLLUTED with sin, and My children do not even see it.  An adulterer can stand in My house, behind My pulpit and be accepted by the people.  My house is a POLLUTED den of thieves - always taking, but never giving.

WHERE ARE MY REMNANT??  My children in this nation - the nation of Babylon - have allowed the spirit of sodomy and the spirit of lust to enter in and control the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  A POLLUTED PEOPLE.  REPENT NOW.

My son, GREAT will be the PERSECUTION of those who call Me Lord.  The weak ones will be strong, while the those who think they are strong will be weak.  Pride and arrogance will be their downfall.

The government is going to go into CHAOS, dividing the people more and allowing the spirit of hate to rule for a season.  It will be a bloody season, and all who witness the chaos will be in SHOCK and TERRIFIED.

BRACE YOURSELVES, My chosen ones!  It will happen very quickly and grow exponentially worse over time.  Cities will burn, people will flee out to the countrysides, only to be followed and hunted down.

My son, many of My Remnant have prepared for these days.  I will lead many to My Remnant for safety.  BRACE YOURSELVES - for this is My judgment on those who have POLLUTED My house.  Get out now and turn to Me.  Trust Me, I will guide you into all truth.  Lean on Me and not your own understanding, for I AM THAT I AM.


Lord Jesus



Revelation 18:19
19  And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

My son, I hear your prayers and see your tears for a people whose hearts are far from Me.  I tell you now - I WILL MAKE MY HOUSE DESOLATE AND TAKE AWAY THE CANDLE FROM A FAT AND LAZY CHURCH.

My judgments will bring DEVASTATION upon My house and upon the land.  The land will not produce food to feed the people.  Many will cry out to Me, but I will not hear.  My people have NOT REPENTED and continue to assume that I will bless them.


My son, I WILL CLOSE the doors of this DESOLATE HOUSE for good.  I will LOCK the people behind closed doors and TAKE AWAY their freedom.  I WILL TIGHTEN the iron yoke of bondage on a reprobate church.

My Word is no longer preached in My house.  The gospel has been POLLUTED with man-made doctrines and has made a DESOLATE HOUSE.  Shining white buildings full of dead men's bones.  Their first love is not Me - but themselves.  IT IS COMING TO AN END.

My son, see how I WILL SHUT AND LOCK the doors once again.  Will My people NOW HUMBLE themselves and REPENT - or - will they REBEL and REFUSE TO REPENT??

I have been merciful and allowed this nation to continue, but now the time is short, and I MUST MAKE THE HOUSE DESOLATE SO MY CHILDREN WILL REPENT.

This land will burn with the FIRE of My indignation.  The judgments are to DRIVE MEN TO THEIR KNEES AND REPENT - which has not happened.  The judgments will now intensify on this this stiff-necked people.

My son, tell My Remnant to stand fast and not to stand down.  My Remnant know who they are, for I have spoken to them or given them dreams to prepare.

My Remnant - Stay in My Word and stay on your knees - as the tests and trials continue to make you stronger.  COUNT IT ALL JOY when these tests come as I AM WITH YOU in the midst of it.  More of My children are realizing that the tribulation has begun and are breaking the shackles of the lies and false teachings.

REPENT now so YOUR HOUSE will not be made DESOLATE.  The house I speak of is your HEART.  Give Me the keys to your house.


Lord Jesus

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