1 year ago

The Kingdom of God is within you!

The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. Luke 17:21

They do not want you seeing this line and have edit this verse many times to hide the truth from you


The Truth in Plain Site

The English Language is magical when we look it from a place of Love

There are so many clues for us

The story of Christ describes our experience. Christ is within us. Every day our Soul/Self rises and each day we have a choice to connect to our higher self when we become conscious

Soul sets the mind so the mind sets the body

The sun is your son. Each day the son of God (you) comes down into your body

Christ is within you. As you keep on the straight and narrow path you work your way up your in Kingdom

Start at your roots - (root chakra)
The as the son/sol rises above the ground you start at the Sacred space - sakral

As you fond the space inside your body you connect with your soula system - solar plexus

At the heart of the universe is your heart

You then get to speak your feelings from the heart at your throat chakra

Now enertering the space with your your inner temple, at the I (third eye)

As the lifht rises up the body into the mind, you reach enlightenment - in light in mind

You have climbed the mountain like you are going hiking - High King

You reach the crown chakra where you die on the cross at the 33rd vertebrae where you become one with God glowing with that huge Halo #harrythesoulcoach #innerbody #christiam #chakrasactivacion #chakra

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