Opie and Anthony: "I saw Ian this weekend..." 7/13/2010, 8/19/2010

1 year ago

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Jim talks about who he saw.

Ian is considered pleasant off the radio.

"With that, Ian Halperin!" In Sweden.

Storytime. Opie has questions. Swedish ladies.

Uncle Paul makes an appearance.

"What a life you have."

They ask about Jennifer Anniston and her stinky kitty.

Who would do what with who.

Ant wants to do "something different."

Anniston over Jolie?

Opie wants more gossip.

Queen of England. Some rumors there. Who is HOT.

"We're not exactly GQ material here."

American Idol. Halperin not a fan of Steven Tyler.

Back to the Swedish ladies. "GOOGLE IT!"

Where Ian is sleeping because that's important.

Ann Coulter. Ewwwww....does she look good? Would you? Er, no.

I do think she has some good points though.

Uh oh. Connection issues. Time for plug.

That's "Amore"! Jim has a FIELD DAY! "That's typical!"


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