Episode157, "Coincidence or Conspiracy?"

1 year ago

-Andrew For America plays a game called "Coincidence or Conspiracy?" where he plays an assortment of clips including: Vivek Ramaswamy and Pete Buttigieg were once on an episode of Hardball asking questions to political candidates, Larry Ellison owns the island of Lanai, Bill Gates and Mosquito Week, Michio Kaku told CBS news 9 years ago that we had directed energy lasers that were being used to "modify the weather," Jeb Bush predicted a pandemic in 2016, Alexa says the 2024 election won't happen because of the War Powers Act and war with Russia and China, Dr. Peter McCullogh says they are building an "organized bio-pharma syndicate," Dr. Nass and the WHO pandemic treaty protocols, SEERS the new pandemic reported in Canada, John Kerry says climate change is "our fault," Man uses data to prove that climate change is a myth, DARPA put nanoparticles in the vax, Dr. Steve Hotze says its transhumanism: they are trying to "mind control" the population using "nano-warfare," Moderna calls the MRNA nanoparticles, "lipids," how to detox from the spike protein, and soon they will put the MRNA technology in our food and in our cattle! The song selection is the song, "United States of Amnesia" by the band Rainbow Coalition Death Cult.

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