Judy Cho & Robert Sikes: Histamine, SiBO, Nighttime Urination, Food Addiction Training, Part 14

1 year ago

Judy Cho
0:16 Very kind words from Judy about the event
2:58 Is there a way to heal from histamine intolerance
8:20 What is the best way to find out why you are getting lower leg cramps
12:05 Diarrhoea issues hanging around but all other SIBO symptoms gone
16:39 What vitamins or minerals are good to absorb through the skin
20:53 Nighttime urination
32:56 Robert's introduction
34:50 Why did Robert decide to go 'against the grain' and eat differently to the majority of bodybuilders
40:00 Successes in health
42:35 Food addiction and bulking up
48:45 Types of training
51:37 Fasting and gaining muscle

Judy is the People’s Nutritionist, as her heart will always advocate for the people. She believes in wellness for all and will make her content accessible for every single person.

Judy Cho is board certified in holistic nutrition and a certified nutritional therapy practitioner. She is also the author of Carnivore Cure, Meat-Based Nutrition, and the ultimate elimination diet for optimal health. She holds a Psychology and Communications degree, from the University of California, Berkeley. Judy focuses on root-cause healing and gut health with Carnivore Cure’s meat-only elimination diet.

Judy shares her very raw and personal journey online. While she hid the details of her shameful history for a long time, she now shares publicly to shed light on her debilitating disease.

Animal-based foods gave Judy a second chance at life and she is passionate to give back, healing the world one steak at a time.

Judy is married to her best friend, Kevin, and she is mama bear to her two low-carb boys. Judy and her family reside in Austin, Texas.
“It’s never easy sharing personal medical records. It’s considered so personal that we have laws protecting us against having to disclose our medical information. Yes, it’s a thing.
I never shared my medical records during my mental health breakdown until this week. SBS Korea, one of the three major broadcasting networks in Korea wanted to share my carnivorous journey in an upcoming documentary. They asked for any supportive collateral like medical records and old pictures, that would help share my story.
I’ve shared that I struggled with depression and an eating disorder in my past. But do I really want to share the nitty-gritty details? With anywhere from 1.5M to 10M people? While my healing journey has been considered a miracle, it’s still a story of a bulimic girl that was sent to the mental ward because she cared more about being thin than prioritizing her role as a mom…
Well, here it is:”

Robert Sikes Keto Savage
Prior to finding keto, I had followed a traditional, "bro-dieting" approach to my nutrition. I would eat every 2 or 3 hours on the clock and I would count my calories and my macros to the gram. I followed this protocol for the first 5 years of my bodybuilding career. I experienced "success" in the sport in the sense of building muscle and being able to get incredibly lean for a competition but that success was short-lived and it was far from sustainable. I developed serious eating disorders and had a terrible relationship with food. Hormones would take a drastic nose dive with every prep I went through and mental clarity was all but lost. I was the poster boy example of a stereotypical bodybuilder…. Chicken and rice at every meal. Disordered eating. Zombie mode towards the latter half of my prep. Massive drops in strength and stamina. Zero sex drive. Unhealthy surges in body fat post-show followed by the negative cycle all over again. I was definitely not the ideal picture of health and I had no idea where to turn.

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