🚨 IRS Buy 40 Caliber Submachine Guns! WHY Are Feds Militarizing & Congress does nothing?!?

1 year ago

The media said it was for "Administrative Reasons" BUT we now know why the Left are MILITARIZING THE IRS with .40 Caliber Sub Machine Guns!

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The Gateway Pundit Article: Hohmann: Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?

The weaponization and militarization of the federal government continues unabated as Congress and the states sit back and do nothing

When the corporate media asked the IRS why it needed automatic weapons, millions of rounds of ammunition and heavily armed staffers trained in the “use of force,” they said it was for “administrative reasons.”

But we now know that the globalists are not just arming the IRS, along with just about every other federal agency. They are militarizing these agencies to the hilt with military-grade weapons not available to American citizens.

Why, for instance, would the IRS need armored vehicles, flash-bang grenades loaded with tear gas, and .40-caliber submachine guns?

The IRS has been arming up for at least ten years. At the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 firearms and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons cache, according to an August 8, 2022, Forbes article, “Inflation Reduction Act Unleashes A Tougher IRS.” You can bet they’ve got a lot more than that stored up six years later in 2023.

Here’s an excerpt from the Forbes article:

“The Schumer-Manchin tax bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed the Senate on Sunday, raises taxes and will give the IRS billions to go into what the Wall Street Journal called ‘beast mode.’”

The video below by Mark Gifford, a pastor from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, who runs the God Family and Guns YouTube channel, explains why this militarization is taking place.


Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGvYlyr6_54

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