BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/1/2023 John Ferguson and Michele Swinick

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BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/1/2023 John Ferguson and Michele Swinick

9am John Ferguson - We will be talking about securing our border. The use of new technology like drones, robo dogs and seismic technology to ensure the safety of our nation.

10am Michele Swinick - Media host and contributor to Frank Speech and founder of "Everything Home About us."...The TRANSFORMATIONAL Show & Platform about LIFE ● LAUGHTER ● PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS delivered by Good People, doing Good Business and Good Things! We’re Your Trustworthy Resource for sharing personal stories & quality content conveyed with a hint of humor & a supersized side of sincerity. Why? To Grow your biz, Enhance the quality of your life, Give you more professional, personal and financial freedom & to Promote Patriotism. Your "HOME" is so much more than a place to live...It’s the foundation for EVERYTHING in your life - From its structure & contents, To what goes on inside & outside of it and most importantly, what goes on inside of you. To ensure your foundation is as solid as can be, each week, Michele Swinick "The Queen of Quality Content" interviews various Experts, Entrepreneurs, Professionals & Purpose Driven People to share their stories, passions & provide real-life, tangible takeaways. Her diverse background makes her the ideal host to handle a wide range of topics, such as "Home Improvement", Business, Marketing, Personal Development, Health & Wellness, Nonprofits, Lifestyle, Current Events & more.

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, John Ferguson,Michele Swinick

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