Tucker Drops You A BONE! About Obama 😆 🤣 Now People Listen!

1 year ago

Nice of tucker to give public a bone 😆 🤣 Barack is gay lol and smokes crack 😆 that's old news video of court admission on lsnt .... Bread and circus keeping the newbies busy! YOU cant trust TUCKER Tucker Carlson EXPOSED - Hes like the russel brand of the fake awake movement.... He says all the right things to get you worked up but fails to pin point the source of our discomfort! GIVE IT UP FOR TUCKERS CARLSON ONE OF THE ELITE - HES NOT JUST A PUPPET.... Time to start paying attention to these people you are following , yes its good COMEDY listening to TUCKER HE MAKES ME LAUGH, But you have to know at the same time he is playing you, this is higher consciousness... LETS WAKE UP TOGETHER POINTING OUT EVERY SNAKE ALONG THE WAY, THIS WAY THE PEOPLE WILL WAKE UP. https://rumble.com/v18yxy5-tucker-carlson-exposed.html

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