Three UNKNOWN Facts about the Rapture

1 year ago

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Millions of Christians believe that at any moment they may be “raptured away” by God and simply vanish before the terrors of the Great Tribulation come up on this world. Non-Christian friends and family members will simply find them gone—vanished instantly into thin air—as Christ takes them to heaven before the Tribulation. But is this idea of a secret Rapture true? Is the Rapture taught by the Bible? If it is not, then will Christians be exposed to the ravages of the Tribulation? Many have questions about this topic, and there is good news! Because the Bible has the answers. If you want to know the real truth about the Rapture, then stay tuned.
Warm greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World.
When we do one of our live Tomorrow’s World presentations, many people come to us with questions, and one of the most frequent topics people ask about is the Rapture: Is the Rapture coming? When will the Rapture happen?

Of course, these questions assume the answer to two more fundamental questions: What IS the Rapture? And is it true?—Will there actually BE a Rapture in the first place?

Today, we’re going to answer those questions from the Bible and give you the plain, simple, Bible truth about the Rapture. We’re also going to give you an opportunity to request a free DVD that will contain even more information on this topic, titled “Is the Rapture Your Incredible Future?” Be sure to watch your screen for information on how to get this free DVD.

Before we can discuss what the Bible actually says, or does not say, about the Rapture, we need to first understand what the Rapture IS. That can be a little difficult, because when you say the word “Rapture,” it is much like the word “Evolution”—it can mean different things to different people.

The most popular understanding of the Rapture is that before Jesus Christ returns to rule the world, and before the worldwide time of agonizing trouble and suffering known as the Great Tribulation, Christians all over the world will be caught up, or “raptured,” into thin air, taken to heaven. Those on earth who are NOT Christians will be left wondering what has occurred, as people they knew suddenly vanish before their eyes. Chaos will ensue, at first, as people are left behind to sort out the mystery of their disappearance and what it means. Meanwhile, the Great Tribulation begins—3 to 7 years before Christ’s return, depending on who you talk to.

Many of you watching today may have seen this concept of the Rapture portrayed in popular movies and in novels, such as the famous “Left Behind” series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins.

This idea of being mystically whisked away from the earth is often associated with the words of the Apostle Paul, who says in 1 Thessalonians 4, verses 16 through 17, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

Most of those who believe in this secret rapture claim this verse is precisely what they are talking about. In the Latin Vulgate translation of verse 17, the Latin word for “we shall be caught up” is rapiemur, from raptre, from which is derived the word “Rapture.”

Well, I suppose that’s it! If the Bible says that Christians are going to meet Christ in the air, then the Rapture must be true! Case closed!

Or is it?

Many people read the Bible carelessly, often interpreting God’s Word according to preconceived ideas and reading those ideas into the Bible instead of letting the Bible speak for itself. But God’s Word warns against doing that, admonishing all of us in 2 Timothy 2, verse 15, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

We want to rightly divide the Word of Truth—the Bible. What does the Bible really say about the Rapture? What is the TRUTH about this topic? And if the Rapture theory represents a misunderstanding about the End Times, then what can Christians TRULY expect, according to the Word of God?

When you examine it closely, the Rapture belief contains several key elements that we can examine in the light of Scripture:

• Will Christians vanish around the world mysteriously and without explanation?
• Will Christians be caught up into the air years before Jesus returns to rule?
• Will Christians spend the years of the Tribulation in heaven?

The Bible answers every one of these questions clearly and explicitly. We will find those answers together in the next part of our program.

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