Bodycam footage shows dramatic moments in revival of 18-month-old boy by Warren police

1 year ago

Police bodycam footage showed the dramatic moments when Warren officers arrived on the scene to save the life of an 18-month-old boy who wasn’t breathing.

The incident occurred Tuesday (Aug. 29) at 6 p.m. when an officer who was on speed and distracted driving patrol was watching a Chevrolet Camaro fly by him.

“We got a baby in here dying,” said the mother.

The uncle and the baby boy’s mother panicked as the 18-month-old was not breathing and turning blue.

Officer Brendan Fraser did not hesitate to jump into action.

“I look inside, and there’s a child that’s having some kind of medical emergency when the uncle hands him over to me,” said Fraser. “He had spit and all types of saliva around his mouth. It looked like he was maybe choking, so I put him on my forearm, and I administered a couple of back blows to him when I felt some saliva and vomit fall onto my arm.”

Fraser got that boy breathing again, as something from an illness was keeping him from breathing.

A few blows to the back, and the boy was breathing again.

“It was a big relief for sure,” Fraser said. “The child started breathing, and you saw that color started coming back around its lips. You realized that something happened here, and we’re heading in the right direction.”

Officers transported the baby to the hospital, and Local 4 was told that the little boy was fine.

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