I was into Arianism (with an "i") BEFORE Joining Jehovah Witnesses.

1 year ago

Centre Place, Toronto. Community of Christ.

Lecture on Arianism vs The Trinity

*** (August 2023) ***

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The case Arius presented at the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.): (1) The Son of God came after God the Father in time and substance. (2) The supremacy of God the Father, the Son was simply the oldest and most beloved creature of God, made from nothing, because of being the direct offspring. (3) The per-existent Son was God's first creation. (4) Only The Father had no beginning and only The Father alone was infinite and eternal. (5) The Son had a beginning, created and begotten of God. (6) There was a time when The Son had no existence. (7) The Son had Free Will. (8) Because there was a time when The Son was not, He was also a finite being. (9) Arius quoted John 14:20 "For The Father is Greater than I", Colossians 1:15 "the firstborn of all creation", and (as Tertullian also pointed out), Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but my Father only."(10) The Father's Divinity is Greater than The Son's, and that The Son was under God The Father, and not co-equal or co-eternal with Him.


In Mormonism:

The Father is the source of the divine attributes of Jesus Christ. The Father is the greatest of the three divine members of The Godhead. The Father as "greater" than The Son does not refer to any difference of divinity, power, wisdom or truth; but only to The Father's unique role and character within the Godhead. Jesus Christ is not the Father of the pre-existent spirits, He is one of them, He is The Son. Jehovah (the pre-existent Jesus Christ) took a human body, one that resembled in physical appearance his pre-existent body.

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